Changes in Paradise: 06

by: Patricia 
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Rating: X Add Review    Added: 06/13/2007
Complete: SIBC 
Synopsis:This is a modest re-write of chapters 1 - 7. None of the changes are "earth shattering," but hopefully most of the typos, grammar mistakes, timeline errors, and implausible or unexplained science has been corrected.
Categories: Age Progression  Age Regression  Chemical or Drug Induced Change  Crime Punishment  Female to Male Transformations  Mind Altered, Hypnosis, Brainwashed  Physically Forced or Blackmailed  SciFi 

Changes in Paradise: 06 - The Battle for Mermaid Island By Patricia


The first three were an accident-luck really.

Phoebe and Pat were giving Mu Su's pod and Xing (all the newest merfolk) their third "teaching tour" around the island. In the two weeks since their transformations, they had been keeping clear of the original lagoon, and were careful not to be too close to the surface. They were focusing on reefs and other places along the drop-off where they could gather food, not the island itself. The rest of Michael's pod (because Xing was with the tour) was on spy duty that morning while John and Danni were in the Listening Room. Pat smiled as she thought of her pod mates back in the listening room. Unlike Danni, who was no doubt trying to distract John from listening, these newest mermaids were all eager students. They had made significant headway in their efforts to collect a food surplus in anticipation of their up-coming battle.

This morning they were moving along the sharp, drop-off along the north side of the island working their way to the eastern caves. There was only a very short land shelf along the north side, and there was no land shelf along the western side where the entrance to their system of home caves lay hidden. To the east and south, however, a large land shelf had built up from many eruptions of the volcano that was the father of this island. Pat explained that the drop-off was boundary between the father island and the mother sea, and that their union produced the bounty upon which the mermaid's lives depended. The eastern land shelf sloped more quickly than the southern one, so that the waves that rose to crash on these rocks formed quickly and suddenly, only about ten meters from the rocky shore. There were many shallow caves scattered among the rocky beaches, but they were not interconnected as their "home caves" were, and no system of tunnels existed here.

The group was about twenty meters from the shore in five meters of water, harvesting mollusks. Pat had created "sea bags" from some plastic netting Michael and Gail had salvaged from the drop-off. The bags were secured around their hips with holes for their pelvic fins, allowing them good flexibility along their tails while keeping their hands free for harvesting and swimming. Mu Su had the biggest bag, and he was a very quick study, memorizing the many different types of squids, chitons, univalves, tusk shells, bivalves, and octopi. Of course, Xing and Mu Su had grown up eating exotic animals, unlike everyone else, and that helped too. The others were slowly learning and adapting to what was edible and what wasn't.

Pat sighed happily as she watched everyone at work harvesting. The triplets were naturals in the water, and as she watched them dart in and out of the coral, laughing and playing even as they worked-it was hard to tell them apart. Everyone had discovered, however, that each of them had a very different personality. Rikki and Cleo had taken some time to come out of their emotional shells, but the last two weeks had brought some healing. Cleo was the graceful, reserved one, and she was unfailingly gentle. Rikki was the prankster, usually pulling practical jokes, but she was also the leader of her sisters, willing and ready to take risks. Emma was the mother, the worrier, and the budding scientist who nevertheless was also the most girlish of the triplets, reveling in her newfound femininity. Even though they were identical triplets, each of their tails were subtly different, and-more importantly for mermaids-their electrical signatures were easily distinguishable from one another.

All three girls were devoted to Mu Su, who returned their devotion. His dramatic, tiger-stripped tail flashed in the morning sun. He was also a gentle spirit, but his martial arts training gave him a coiled confidence that his girls adored, and Pat and the others also appreciated. He was also randy as hell, and both he and Emma were insatiable. They were constantly teasing and flirting with one another, even when there was work to be done.

Pat probed behind her with her mermaid senses and found Xing and Phoebe hard at work on the other side of the rock outcropping upon which she sat. Xing had bonded well with Michael's pod, and this morning's teaching tour was the first time she had ventured out without one of her pod mates. She and Phoebe were working together, however, which seemed to give her some confidence.

Pat stretched out her senses, taking stock of the surrounding sea. Mu Su's pod was about forty meters further south, while Phoebe and Xing were just behind her. Pat was perched only about two meters below the surface, and she could sense the water as it rose and crashed into the rocks along the shore. She realized suddenly with a clench of fear in her gut that she could sense three men among the caves behind her. She quickly slid down the rock to Phoebe and Xing.

"You sensed it too?" Phoebe asked.

"Three men, the second cave down," Pat said as both Phoebe and Xing nodded. Pat sent out a high pitch pulse of vocal energy that they had discovered was an excellent underwater alarm, and a few moments later, Mu Su and the girls swam up to them.

"What's up?" Rikki asked.

Pat pointed with her hand to the shore, where the only sounds they could hear were the rolling waves as they crashed into the rocks. Everyone focused their senses up towards the beach.

"Three men, second cave down," Rikki said.

"The sea must be high today," Phoebe noted, "the water seems very loud."

"There might be a storm further east," Pat surmised, "and the rising waves seem to have trapped those three in that smaller cave."

"I'll go take a look," Mu Su offered. "The surf sounds a bit strong for you ladies."

"Ha," shot back Rikki, "I'll race you!"

"No, Rikki, don't," asked Emma. "The surf is high, and Mu Su's a much stronger swimmer than we are, and he can fight through the backwash. We can't. It's also nearing high tide."

"High tide is only about a meter," Rikki argued.

"But with a storm to the east, it's much higher than normal," Emma said. "That's probably why those men got trapped in the water."

Mu Su gave a quick kiss to Rikki as consolation, and swam off towards the crashing surf. The girls spent a few tense minutes waiting, and then he returned.

"The sea is high, and the men are up to their chests in water," he explained. "The backwash isn't too bad in the cave, but it's strong enough that those men aren't trying to get out the front of the cave. It's only about two meters deep, but they aren't moving."

"Did they have any guns?" Pat asked.

"I couldn't see any," he said, "but I didn't get that close."

"We should call the others," Pat recommended.

"No," Phoebe said quietly but firmly, "we don't have time."

Pat looked around at the group and realized that all of them except for her had suffered deeply at the hands of Alberto's men. These new mermaids and mermen were not going to let this opportunity pass them by. For the past two weeks, the remaining gang members had stayed far away from the water, and most had moved up to the mountainside huts. Their absence from the water, and the knowledge that the merfolk's mobility on anything other than the beach would be difficult and impossible on narrow jungle paths, had frustrated everyone. They might now control the water, but little could be done if Alberto and his men stayed away from it.

"First," Pat chided, "everyone breathe. I know this is personal for you, but I will not go back to Michael and tell him that his pod-mate got killed because we weren't thinking." Xing smiled tightly at the reference to her status.

"I no get killed," she said with determination.

"Nevertheless," Pat said steadily, "we need a plan. How long before the tide begins to ebb?" she asked Phoebe.

Phoebe closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the water along the rocks, sensing which direction it was moving, and how quickly.

"High tide crested about an hour ago," she reported. "That gives us about two hours before the water is low enough for these guys to escape."

"Mu Su, how big was that cave?" Pat asked.

"Thirty meters deep, about ten meters at mouth and five meters wide, rear of cave," he reported.

"Alright," Pat said, "here's the plan."


Gail felt Petra's warm flanks next to her own as they wriggled to their usual spot for spying on the beach huts, hidden in the undergrowth along the western arm of the lagoon. For the past two weeks, there had been very little activity at the beach huts. Alberto and his remaining men had retreated to the mountainside huts soon after the rescue attempt. The only exception was the two women, who still came down to their beach hut nearly every day, but they rarely come down into the water. They came down to cook, mostly, and usually three men came too, using the beach tackle that they had brought ashore before their boats had been sunk. One man always stayed up the beach, armed with a gun, while the other two pulled in fish from the lagoon. Afterwards, the women would clean and prepare the fish and take it back up the mountainside.

This morning was different. No men had come down to fish. Both women were in the surf, bathing each other. Gail and the others had learned from the Mu Su and Xing, who had spent the longest in captivity, that one of the women, Angara, was a cousin of Alberto. He let them keep one another company, and in return expected his own domestic needs to be met. He would occasionally demand the sexual services from the women, but he preferred captives whom he could beat, rape, and kill with impunity. Mu Su had thought that they might become allies for the merfolk, but they didn't know how they might go about contacting them, nor could Mu Su be sure of their loyalties to Alberto. He knew both Angara and her lover, Saya, despised most of the gang, but Alberto was "family." Finally, Mu Su had never heard them speak anything other than Spanish, and so he didn't know if they even understood English or Chinese, the two languages the pods could currently speak.

"Any body else coming?" whispered Petra as she settled next to her sister-wife.

"Not yet," Gail said. "What's that on the beach, near their clothing?"

"I'm not sure," Petra said, trying to keep her head down even as she raised herself up to peer at the beach where the women had left their clothes.

"We need to get closer," Gail said, starting to wiggle backwards towards the surf on the far side of the spit of land that enclosed the lagoon.

"We need Michael," Petra urged as she followed her lover back to the water.

As usual, Michael had already figured out what their collective thoughts were, and met them in the middle of the lagoon. They decided that they would chance a possible contact, but wouldn't reveal their status as mermaids. They swam slowly towards the beach, keeping close to the bottom so that they wouldn't be spotted by any lookout posted at the hot tub high above on the mountain. When they reached a depth of about two meters, about fifteen meters from shore, Gail rose to the surface. Petra and Michael watched carefully, their senses fully extended, concentrating on the reaction of the two women who were in the surf, with the water lapping at their knees.

Gail kept her head low to the water, as there was only a gentle swell of a few inches here in the lagoon, but the women were not looking out at the water, but rather at the spot on the beach where the trail came down from the mountain. They were worried about being caught by some of the gang members as they bathed in the surf. Figures, Gail thought to herself, the men could probably go for weeks without bathing, but the women would be more fastidious. The two women took no notice of her as she peered carefully at the scene before her.

The two women were short, as with most Filipinos, and while it was difficult to tell how old they were, they were both well beyond thirty- five. They might have been prettier in their younger days, but life as the nursemaids to a pirate/drug gang had not been kind to them. It was then that Gail noticed what was on the beach.

"Help us."

In English, scratched into the sand with a stick, next to their clothes.


Danni and John lay on a small ledge that formed part of the listening room. Danni had insisted that they spend a long time out of the water, and so they had been lying together on the cave floor for over an hour. John didn't understand why she wanted to lie on the hard, rocky floor of the cave when they could float in the pool with ease and still hear all the listening channels that snaked throughout the island. In the past two days, they had learned that Alberto's men had talked themselves out of their fear of the water, with the two women leading the argument. The merfolk had to piece things together as the infrequent English phrases echoed down only occasionally. The gang had to speak English occasionally because it was the only common language among the mixed Filipino, Thai, and Australian gang members.

This morning the two women had asked for and gotten a promise of some privacy for bathing, and the men would come down to the beach the next day for fishing and feasting. Two of Alberto's men had fixed the remains of the still that John and Pat had built, and after many days of trying, their first batch of distilled fruit punch would be ready the next day. Alberto had encouraged these plans to build morale, and the men had gone off to harvest food and game from the jungle while the women went to the beach to bath, fish, and prepare for tomorrow's feast.

As the listening posts quieted down, Danni lay next to John in the semi-darkness of the room and concentrated on feeling dry. She knew it was silly, but she was still adjusting to the fact that she was now a marine mammal, of sorts. Her gills, which were not a typical mammalian characteristic, where cushioned from the cave floor by both her thick, soft golden hair and by her dorsal ridge that reached mid-way up her back. Her flukes were splayed over John's tail, softly stroking his strong muscles that rippled up and down his impressive steel grey tail.

She loved the feel of his strong, smooth flanks as they rippled under the feathery edges of her flukes. It was sort of like feeling with her toes, she thought. She concentrated on her tail, trying to remember her legs, feet, and toes, but her tail didn't feel like her legs were still there, bound up and moving together. Her tail felt like, well, her tail. It was strong and thick, but supple and flexible at the same time. She flexed her muscles that made her flukes spread, and then lifted her flukes 90 degrees up and then pushed them down, easily reaching 90 degrees in both directions. John began playing with his own flukes as she twisted hers 180 degrees clockwise, and then again counter clockwise, her wispy blue fringe that decorated the ends of her fluke sparkling with faint blue light as the cool air whispered through her fringe membranes. That rush of sensation prompted the memory of when her beautiful sister-wife, Pat, had explained how her sparkling blue dorsal membrane, now pleasantly squished by Danni's own weight into the cave floor, was also one of her main sensory organs. In fact, all her fringes on fins, flukes, and dorsal ridge could feel temperature and texture, and were a part of how she felt her way in dark tunnels, sensing the world around her.

She lowered her tail back onto John's, caressing him again, trickling her fluke-fringes over his steel-gray tail, brushing herself back and forth against him. She felt his warmth up and down along her tail, his smooth scales rubbing hers, his muscles twitching beneath her flukes as she tickled him. Their pelvic fins also played a game of patty- fingers, brushing and stroking one another. Her whole body felt alive with touch, and her heart was pounding in her chest. God, she loved being a mermaid; a beautiful powerful, golden tail, her long golden hair, her silvery laughter, her hourglass figure, her firm, full breasts with their long, sensitive nipples, her delicate hands and glimmering fingernails. She was intoxicated and intoxicating.

As Danni lay on her back, her head nestled in the crook of John's strong arm, she lifted one hand up to her breast. She had gotten so used to feeling her body in the water that she really wanted to feel her body on the land. Here, her breasts sagged off to each side, but only a little, and she enjoyed the small tightness at the center of her chest as each breast tugged slightly outward. She watched as her breasts rose and fell with her steady breathing. She enjoyed the feeling of air rushing through her nostrils, something that didn't happen when she was under water. Her gaze followed her ribs down as they narrowed quickly to her delicate waist, which seemed all the more delicate for being perched atop her strong and beautiful mermaid's tail. She ran her hand around her breasts, one at a time, savoring their fullness. She pulled at one of her long nipples, rolling it in between her index and thumb, her webbing rustling along her hand as she did so.

Her groin tightened, sending tendrils of warmth radiating outward from her belly and tail. She could feel her labia opening, nearly two hand spans below her belly button. When they had transformed into mermaids and mermen, their sexual organs had dropped slightly into their new tails. Their anal opening was another hand span lower, but on the same side as their genitalia. There didn't seem to be the same sensitivities to that repositioned opening has had existed previously, but their new sexual organs more than made up for that lack. She could feel her new, slightly larger, clit swell with blood as she continued to stroke her own breasts.

"We're supposed to be listening," John murmured.

"Everyone is out and about collecting stuff for tomorrow's feast," Danni countered, turning on her side and rolling into his embrace. "We can listen and nuzzle."

"Nuzzle?" asked John as he felt Danni's hand reach down his tail to stroke along the sides of his vent. The blood rushed quickly to his penis, and he quickly pulled on his vent muscle to release his now growing cock into the dim light of the cave, now getting brighter as their sexual overtures caused their bio-chemical luminescence to grow. As he looked down at their entwined tails, he thought that it looked a little bit like those posters from the late sixties and early seventies: a funky UV black-light show as their tails flashed color and light into this small space.

As Danni stroked John's fish-flanks, she marveled at how silky smooth he felt, both in his tail and in upper torso and hair. She remembered Pat's explanation that their new skin, scales, and hair were actually covered with millions of tiny ridges, micronodules, that made their bodies hydrophobic, which Danni thought was a funny word to use for mermaids. She would never be the science student Pat wanted her to be. What Danni cared about was how incredibly smooth and soft their skin felt, like the purest silk, and this smoothness seemed to enhance their own sense of touch and of being touched, because their entire body was covered with these micronodules, tiny nanostructures that helped them slide through the water. Danni wondered if those same micronodules covered John's rising cock.

"Ouungh," John sighed as he felt Danni's hand grasp his stiffening cock by the base and give it a tug.

Yes, they did. Good. Danni loved the way his cock felt in her hand, so thick, and strong, filling with blood, throbbing in her grasp, and yet so incredibly soft and smooth, like a silk lollipop. She lifted herself forward, bending at her pelvis, and gave his cock a lick. She giggled as John twitched, a bit of pre-cum visible at the tip of his large cock. She pointed it vertically, marveling at its length, as she waved it back and forth in the air. It stuck nearly fourteen inches into the air. She didn't understand how it all fit inside her. She remembered her own penis, from long ago before she changed, and was once again grateful for all her own changes. She pointed John's back at her mouth, and slowly let the first six inches slide past her lips.

Her left nipple brushed against John's hard stomach, and suddenly Danni knew why she wanted to be dry. Her wonderful breasts were dangling, not floating, and she loved the way that felt. She could feel John's hands on her back, stroking her narrow waist, the swell of her hips, stroking the strong muscles of her tail where it joined her body. He ran his hands along her dorsal membrane, and once again she was assailed by the new feelings of wonder and sensuality that her tail created in her. She hunched her back into his caresses even as she pushed her breasts into John's stomach and sucked on his cock with vigor. John pushed his groin into her attentions, and lifted both of them into the air.

"No yet," Danni breathed, her own breath now ragged with passion. "I want this cock somewhere else."

She rolled herself onto her lover, and felt his long cock trapped between them, reaching all the way to her belly button. She put one hand on each of his shoulders, holding herself above him, her golden hair cascading around her, her breasts dangling freely even as they began to tighten with her growing milk. She flexed her flukes and tail and lifted her body above him, holding herself with her hands and flukes over him.

"Put it in," she begged, "help me put it in."

John reached down and grabbed his stiff cock and aimed it towards her now dripping pussy, which was now a smooth pair of silken folds, normally invisible but now swollen and open, pulsing in her shimmering, beautiful tail. He looked with wonder at the beautiful creature suspended over him. Danni's multicolored blue eyes were sparkling with passion; her full lips were relaxed and parted as she concentrated on moving her body over John's cock. Her full breasts with their long nipples dangled and swayed above him as her golden body undulated sinuously, back and forth, trying to impale herself on his stiff mast. Her golden tail shimmered and sparkled as tendrils of light shot up from her flukes. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He gasped as he felt her white-hot heat settle onto him, surrounding him, making him forget that his gills and dorsal membrane were now being pressed into the rocky cave floor by two bodies, not one.

"Finally," Danni hissed as she arched her back, marveling at her own flexibility as she raised her torso vertically above him, his cock rising through her body ramrod straight as she ground herself down into her lover, their tails pressing into each others, rustling like satin sheets. John grabbed Danni's generous hips and helped her raise and lower her fiery pussy onto him, and he watched the wild gyrations of her breasts as her efforts grew in intensity. She grabbed his wrists, and together they worked so that Danni could flex both her tail and her arms to lift herself up and down on his marvelous cock.

The angle of penetration was pushing his cock forward so that it dug into her G-spot with each pass. Danni's passion rose quickly, like a tornado, fed by the wonderful feelings of her breasts swelling, bouncing, and shaking as she pounded herself into his body, again and again. She could feel her own hair tickling her gills, her interior muscles pulling and tugging at John's long cock. Suddenly she froze, holding only the crown of John's cock inside her hot, and wet pussy, savoring the way he stretched her open. Her arms were shaking with effort as she held off her orgasm, her eyes screwed shut, her breath held.

"Come on, you tease," groaned John as he lifted his hips into her.

"No ... ah ... wait ... ohhh ... just a ... uuuungh ... sec," Danni begged, quivering on the edge. Then, "AAAAAHHHHHHH," she cried as she slammed herself back down on his cock, taking him to the hilt. Her orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer, squeezing John almost painfully. Milk poured from her breasts, and John felt the warm sweet rainfall covering his face and chest. Then he felt a great release of liquid drench his cock and tail as Danni squirted in her great passion. The feeling of hot liquid rolling off his tail sent him over the edge, and he erupted into her, groaning with delight, both of their tails rustling in the air of the cave as they shook in passion and release.

Now, that was worth trying again, thought John as he watched the lights swirl in their tails. Danni collapsed into his chest, her hair spilling over them, her breasts slick with milk sliding on his own chest. Yes, it was messy he thought as he licked some milk from his lips where Danni had rained down on him, but definitely worth trying again. After all, they only had to roll into the water to clean off. John savored the fading tremors in his tail and slowed his breathing, stroking Danni's hair as she continued to twitch and whimper into his chest for several minutes.

Then they heard two faint, distant, and brief thumps, followed by equally faint, distant, and brief screams of the three men in the caves as the triplet's barbs sank into their bodies.


The men were terrified when they saw the three strange, large, brightly colored blue and white fish moving towards them along the rocky bottom of the cave in which they were trapped. They were chest deep in the roiling water, the occasional wave reaching all the way to the back of the cave, dousing their heads. In their unthinking panic, one man lowered his arm underwater towards the approaching fish, aiming his nine-millimeter gun at the long, undulating shapes, and fired a single shot at the approaching forms.

The report was loud, but the bullet bounced harmlessly from Emma's side. Pat had been right; a bullet fired underwater isn't lethal beyond one meter. Another gang member lowered the AK-47 he had been holding above his head and the gun jammed after only one round, and that bullet too had only traveled about two meters. The third man never had the chance to get a shot off, as the triplets charged and caught each man cleanly in the abdomen or leg. Mu Su, Xing, and Phoebe, who had hung back to give the smaller triplets enough room to maneuver for their strikes, then rushed forward and grabbed each paralyzed man by their feet, and together, all six merfolk pulled them back out into the sea.

Each man's eyes flared first in fear and then in desire as they saw the strange and wondrous creatures that held them in the water. Their eyes flickered in confusion, however, as each man slowly realized that he could not move. Then, the subtle lines and creases of a paralyzed human face began to clench in terror as they realized they were going to have to breathe soon, and these beautiful creatures that surrounded them, waiting and watching, had faces full of purpose and grim determination. Their faces were both beautiful and terrifying, thought Pat as she moved towards Phoebe. Phoebe shook her head, a grim look in her eye, and turned to Rikki, floating next to her, whose venom was now coursing through the terrified man's body.

"For my mother and father, the Henderson's," Rikki whispered into the dying man's ear.

His eyes flashed in fearful recognition and renewed terror, but Rikki and Phoebe held him gently, effortlessly, their eyes fixed on his, until his breath-hold breakpoint was reached, and he breathed in a lungful of water. There was no violent laryngospasm, as Pat had predicted, their venom prevented this normal effort to keep water from reaching the lungs. Mu Su and Cleo, and Xing and Emma held their men as well, while Cleo and Emma whispered the same message, watching their former tormentors, rapists, and thugs aspirate water, fear and loathing burning in their eyes until the last whisper of life faded from them.

It was a remarkably gentle death.

Pat checked each man for a pulse, and when she was sure that each of them was dead, she nodded. All of them formed a school around the dead men, and swam them out towards the drop-off, where they knew there would be sharks. A few strokes with a utility knife, and they would let the ocean do the rest.

They returned to the cave, and Rikki and Cleo gathered the fallen guns, while Emma picked up the backpack one of them had abandoned earlier. Mu Su, Xing, and Phoebe gathered their net-bags, and they headed back for the western caves.

It had been a good morning's work.


Petra, Gail, and Michael burst through the Moon Pool and shot up into the air, the three of them forming a mermaid fountain of light, color, and laughter. They arced up into the large cavern, feeling the noonday sunshine down from the chimney high above. Each of them reached backwards and grabbed their flukes, somersaulting back into the water below. They sliced cleanly into the water, only Petra making any splash on her reentry, her breasts too much to compensate for. Giggling they resurfaced, giddy with their good news.

They immediately sensed a different energy between the other two pods that were lounging on the cave floor.

"What's up?" asked Gail as she pushed herself up onto the cave floor, water rolling off her face, hair, and breasts.

"Three down, fourteen to go," said Phoebe with a small, tight smile.

"Five down, twelve to go," said Petra as she lifted herself next to Gail, her lavender tail twisting in the water as she gracefully settled herself on the ledge next to her pod-mate. Well, she was looked graceful until you noticed that her generous breasts still bobbled and rose for several seconds after she had settled into her seat.

"You got two," asked Pat eagerly, "which ones?"

"We didn't get two," Gail explained. "We talked to two, Angara and her lover, Saya."

"They speak English?" Mu Su exclaimed. "I never heard them talk English."

"Well," Pat asked impatiently, "what happened?"

"You first," Gail demanded. "You actually killed someone?" she finished with a hungry look in her eye.

"I didn't kill anyone," Pat explained, "they did," indicating Mu Su and his pod with one hand and Phoebe and Xing with the other.

"Xing!" Gail exclaimed, grabbing her newest sister-wife into a fierce hug, "you got one?"

"Yes," Xing said, "Cleo sting him; I hold him under."

"You're alright?" Petra asked anxiously, taking Xing from Gail's embrace and examining her carefully, lifting her arms one at a time, spinning her torso around, looking like a camp councilor getting a young camper ready for a shower.

"I fine, Mom," Xing teased, giving her a kiss to soften the dig. "Pat say our venom make gentle death."

Phoebe brought everyone up to date on how their venom worked and how the men had drowned, what they did with the bodies, and the weapons that they had collected and others that they found in the backpack. The guns that had been used underwater would probably still work, but Gail stopped their story and their speculation for a "land battle" that Mu Su seemed to be hoping for as he showed off the nine millimeter.

"We have a better idea," she said. "Tomorrow night will be a luau on the beach, and Angara and Saya will help us plan for a very special evening."

"Are you sure we can trust them?" Pat asked.

"I trust them," Cleo said. "They never harmed us, and they sometimes seemed genuinely sorry for what was happening to us."

"She's right," Emma added. "I always felt they secretly resented Alberto, but did not have a way out."

"It was only because Alberto never said anything about their relationship that they even stayed with him," Rikki explained. "Lesbians are not usually visible or welcome in Filipino culture."

"We heard them talking about the luau earlier this morning," John reported, giving Danni a smile. "So they are least telling the truth about that."

"Hey, I know that smile," Phoebe teased, "are you sure you two were concentrating on listening?"

"You'll have yours shortly, you minx!" John promised. "Now, what's the plan?"


Well, at least these three deaths were explainable, Alberto thought as he and his men picked through the remains of two of his men that had washed ashore along one of the small beaches that dotted the eastern side of the island. The sharks had ripped off most of their limbs and tore large chunks from their torsos. Only one of his men was still recognizable, but it was enough.

Why had they been stupid enough to go down to the water, he wondered. They were supposed to be gathering fruit, nuts, and small game for the luau tomorrow. He stood on the beach for a few minutes, the afternoon sun behind him, scanning the horizon. He was down to eleven men, and his cousin and her lover. Well, it was fewer to feed, and there was only one person he was worried about getting off this island. Himself. He ordered his men to leave the bodies to rot on the beach, and headed back into the jungle.

Maybe they should dive down to the boats and see if any of the equipment could be salvaged. They had seen no new activity in the lagoon, found no evidence of anyone else living on the island, and he now new that the sharks were over here on the eastern shore. Yes, after they had the luau, they would reclaim the beach huts and begin plans to get off this godforsaken chunk of lava.


Twenty-four hours later, twelve merfolk huddled together in the large sand bowl in the middle of the lagoon, several hundred yards from the beach. They had worked hard all day, starting by meeting with Angara early in the morning, before sunrise, to help her with a special recipe for the evening's meal, and then spent the morning herding fish towards the men's fishing tackle so that the lagoon would be especially bountiful. Now, all they could do was wait.

Now, as the sun began its journey towards the far western horizon, they knew it had worked. The men were laughing, playing in the surf, and feeling like the curse that had laid over them was finally being lifted. Angara and Saya had outdone themselves, preparing a feast of seafood, fruits, berries, and even some left over canned goods from their stores from the boats. No one noticed anything different about the fruit punch because it was the first time that they had ever made any. If they had made some earlier, they might have noticed a slight metallic taste to this batch, the result of the addition of a touch of mermaid venom.

No, they just assumed it was the quality of the still, or how long it had been since they were drunk. They drank it all down, without noticing anything. As the sun neared the horizon, everyone was settling down in the huts, fat, full, and inebriated. Soon, however, the whisper dose of venom that Angara had added to the breadfruit and to the punch began to work on their bodies. Soon they were all asleep, even more than asleep, because when Saya fired three times into the sky, no one moved.

Well, the last shot she fired wasn't into the sky, and Angara couldn't blame her when it blasted through one of Alberto's men instead, the one who had beaten and raped her a few months ago, before Alberto put a stop to it because he wanted his own meals cooked and prepared by women who could still hold pots. After all, Saya, who was a forty-three year-old virgin until that awful moment, deserved to get her revenge. She was only a little bit sorry that he was asleep when she shot him, but only a little.

As the merfolk emerged from the water, Angara then enjoyed watching Saya as she saw all three pods for the first time, not just Gail's beautiful face and shoulders in the water. Angara had been surprised when all twelve merfolk ambled up onto her beach in the early morning light, but she was pretty sure Saya didn't quite understand who their new allies actually were. Saya's reaction had proven that she was right, as she was stunned. But she quickly recovered and told Angara that she had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. Together, humans and merfolk, they worked quickly, and soon the remaining eleven men were bound and tied on the beach.

"They no muerto?," asked Angara in her broken Spanglish.

"No, they're just unconscious," Pat reported, checking on one of the men. "We didn't give them enough to make their hearts stop beating. We would have to give each of them two full strikes directly."

"They be muerto pronto," Angara stated, smiling.

"Are you sure you want all of them dead?" Pat asked.

"Si, dead," Saya agreed.

"Angara, did you explain to her how our numbers worked?" asked Petra.

"No, Siento," she apologized.

Pat had them sit down next to her on the beach as she carefully went through each pod, explaining how each of them had come to be. As she pointed to the colorful pods who had gathered into their family units, Angara translated for Saya, who's English was not very good. As their understanding grew, the eyes of the two women grew wide with amazement. When Pat explained how the mermaids had very high social needs, and that if there were no men in a pod, one of them would probably change into a male, the two women broke into feverish Spanish. After a few moments, they seemed to have reached an agreement.

"Me hago un hombre?" Saya stated.

Angara explained that Saya could never accept the attention of a male, but that she would be willing to become one to keep her lover as her mate.

"You want to become the man?" asked Pat carefully, pointing to John for reference.

"¿Sí, quiero hacerme como él?" Saya corrected, pointing at Michael and Mu Su.

"Right," Pat said, seeing that Saya really did understand how those mermen had come to be-both former girls-like she would become.

"Is there anyone here who you would consider making a female member of your new pod?" Phoebe asked. "Just the two of you might be difficult, and three or even four of you would be better."

The two women broke into more Spanish, and after a few moments, Angara walked over to one of the younger members of the gang, and rolled him over onto his back. He was a Filipino male, about twenty-five years old. Lakan, was his name, Angara explained, and he was just a kid who got recruited by Alberto some years back, and he never seemed to have the taste for cruelty that most of the others did. No others, however, would even be considered. They were animals ... worse than animals, because they tortured their own for mere pleasure.

With that settled, the former victims of Alberto and his gang, except for Danni, took the remaining gang members unconscious bodies down to the water for an evening swim, except for Alberto and Lakan. The men helped the women drag the bodies to the water, and then each mermaid and merman took an unconscious man into the surf. An hour later, Pat, Danni, and John watched as everyone else returned to the lagoon, empty handed. No one said a word, but there was a fierce satisfaction in everyone's eyes.

Everyone returned to the fire Saya had kept going, and waited for Alberto and Lakan to wake up.


His head was pounding, his ears were ringing, and he was vaguely conscious of his hands being tied behind his back. He blinked, and thought he saw a fire, but surrounding the fire were thousands of jewels, sparkling with color and inner light. He struggled towards consciousness, and soon he was able to focus his eyes. At first, he was tempted to sit up in shock, but he had made it this far in a dangerous life by being careful, so he didn't stir. It took inhuman effort to do so, but he kept his eyes to mere slits as he took in the unbelievable sight before him.

There, assembled around the fire, were mermaids and mermen! He counted his breaths and pushed his limbs against the cords so he could feel the bindings cut into him, causing pain to course up his arms and legs. Yes, he was awake, and yes, those were mermaids. That blonde one, with the blue scales and webs sitting next to the steel-gray merman, yes, she was the one in the water a few weeks ago, and he must have been the shark. Alberto cursed himself for not having seen through that charade, even as he still tried to absorb the existence of creatures out of myth and fantasy.

None of his men were visible, but his cousin and her ugly lover were sitting among the mermaids, chatting and listening as the group talked. He could see the two Henderson girls, and he thought he recognized that Australian brat, but where was her uncle? And there was a third Henderson girl! What? He tried to figure out who all these people/mermaids were, and he only grew more confused. How had they come here, how did the Henderson girls go from two to three? And there was one of the Chinese girls, Shou something, but where was that bitch, Mai Lin?

As he listened to their conversations, trying to figure out who was who and what was what, Alberto slowly realized that everyone was talking about the people in their lives that he or his men had killed, and that he had woken up as they were mourning the loss of loved ones. This was not a good time to let them know that he was now awake, and he had no illusions as to what they had planned for him. He felt with his arms for the small hard bump sewn into the rear of his pants, and when his wrists found the hard edge of his hidden derringer, he almost cried with relief. He didn't know where his men were, but he suspected that they were all dead.

No, wait. He could see young Lakan lying near Angara. Perhaps not all was lost. If he could survive this crisis, then he could see about getting rescued before his own boss tracked him down. The thought of explaining all this to his boss, Malaki, a man even more ruthless than he was, made his blood run cold. Without his boats, his records, and his passwords, Alberto's own skimming would become visible, and Malaki would kill him for the millions he had kept for himself. First, he had to survive, and to that end, he silently worked on the ropes around his wrists.


"And so, I will miss them always," Emma sobbed, "but even more so because they will never know how happy I am now."

Rikki and Cleo leaned into their sister as Mu Su gathered his strong arms around all three of them. He held them all quietly, the rest of the pods watching in respectful silence, as the three girls finally mourned their parents. No one said anything more, but just listened to the fire's crackle and the girls' quiet sobs.

It had been a long evening. The evening stars had come out, and the moon was full and bright over the eastern arm of the lagoon. The mermaids could all see quite clearly, their eyes adjusting to the darkness automatically. Gail looked with brittle hatred in her eyes at Alberto where he lay. Suddenly, she noticed that his eyes were actually alert and open behind the carefully held slits to which he had held himself.

"He's awake," she said rising, and going around Michael to reach the recumbent captive.

Several things happened at once, and the moonlight illuminated everything ... every detail ... with an eerie clarity that no one there would ever forget. Alberto pulled one hand from behind his back and pointed a small, shiny weapon at Gail. But Gail didn't back off, and kept coming.

"You've already shot me twice, you sonofabitch," she snarled, "go ahead and try it again."

As she started for him, Michael saw the determination in Alberto's eyes and sprang from his spot beside the fire, lifting his entire body into the air, hurtling towards Gail. At the same moment, John launched himself towards Alberto, arcing over the fire in an impossible display of athleticism. Mu Su tossed aside his girls and launched himself into the air, equally intent on destroying this insect of a man.

In the milliseconds that followed, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Pat, Danni, and Phoebe screamed in horror as they saw their mate sail towards Alberto's loaded gun. Petra and Xing were frozen in terror as they saw Gail charging even as Michael's leap propelled him forward. The triplets screamed as they rose from the sand where Mu Su had thrown them and watched as his yellow and black stripes flashed in the firelight headed straight for danger. Alberto saw three mermen flying towards him, and Gail charging him on the ground. She was closest. He aimed at her chest and fired.

Before he could aim at a second target, John's barb was in his chest, his body slamming into his, and he before his head hit the sand, he could feel his body going numb. He felt a second sting as Mu Su's barb punctured his thigh, and Mu Su's carefully placed elbow thumped on his chest. That hurt, despite the growing numbness.

Michael's leap had carried him forward, catching Gail's low charge, and dragging her out of harm's way, but as he twisted in the air, protecting his mate, the tiny bullet pierced his spine, ricocheted off his vertebrae, and splintered into his lungs. The pain was excruciating, and he knew he was paralyzed. Worse, he could feel his lungs fill up with blood.

Gail felt Michael go limp as they hit the sand together. And by the time the other mermaids had rushed over to them, she was holding Michael in her arms. She could feel Petra and Xing rush to her side, and she felt a slick warmth oozing between her webbed fingers as she cradled his dorsal ridge.

"Oh, Michael," she whispered, "what have I done?"

"Gail," he struggled, coughing up blood. "You are my warrior, my sister, (cough) ... my lover ... never forget."

"Quick take my milk," urged Petra frantically.

"No, love," Michael whispered, "No time ... this ... more important." His body was wracked with spasms and he coughed up more blood. "I will ... always ... be with you ... all" he whispered, "Petra is pregnant, and you," he held Gail in a fierce gaze," and you ... must be ... be ... the fadthurrrrrrrr." Micheal's eyes fluttered, and then relaxed into an sightless gaze at the stars.

The moment seemed to hang in the air, the sky and stars frozen in place. Even the sea was silent. No one breathed.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Gail's cry pierced the night, ripped from her chest like a rusty knife. Petra and Xing collapsed on their pod-mate, also wailing, while the rest held their breath in stunned silence.

Many moments passed in mute agony and horror.

Then, Gail slowly laid down her lover's head, now lifeless, and fixed his hair. She had an eerie calm about her. She turned to her wailing sister-wives, and lifted up their chins. She held their eyes, and they choked back their sobs, strengthened by the force of Gail's will, and together they salamandered slowly and deliberately over to where Alberto lay. John and Mu Su backed away slowly as the three mermaids approached, death in their eyes.

Alberto lay conscious but unmoving as he saw the three faces loom over his. If he had been able to move, he would have cowered. As it was, his eyes shone bright with fear.

"Yours will not be a gentle death," Gail said with unnatural calmness.

"Gail," Pat began.

"No!" Gail, Petra, and Xing said together.

"Then here," Pat said as she held out a knife to Gail.

"No, I won't need that," Gail said in her surreal, calm way, and ripped Alberto's pants off his unmoving body with a single pull.


A mermaid's fingernails are surprisingly strong, thought Phoebe as she looked at her own hands as she scoped up the last handful of red- stained sand and dropped it into the bucket she had for this purpose. It had taken everyone but Gail, Petra, and Xing the better part of the morning to clean up the mess that Alberto's death had caused. The other pods had watched in horror and understanding as the three grieving pod-mates vented their outrage and vengeance upon the immobile man. It had only taken a few minutes, but Alberto had remained conscious right up to the point when Gail's barbs on her flukes had pierced his skull, slamming down through his eyes as his blood spilled from the stumps of his limbs which had been ripped off with inhuman strength. When they were done, the three exhausted widow-mermaids had dragged the Alberto's pieces into the sea. They wouldn't let anyone else help with their grizzly task.

Phoebe dumped the bucket into the surf, letting the ocean wash away the blood. She looked around at the beach, checking for any further signs of last night's deadly business. She only saw the signs of where each of the two remaining pods had spent the previous evening. It was the first night most of them had spent on dry land for many weeks, and Phoebe was surprised at how comfortable the sand had been, sitting with her pod mates, entwined together in grateful acknowledgement that fate had spared them.

Gail and the others had returned about an hour after they left with Alberto's remains, and they picked up Michael's body. Pat had offered to help, but all three mermaids had simply shaken their heads in silence, and gathered their mate into their arms and returned to the sea. Phoebe had nearly stopped them to ask if they could examine Michael's body, but Pat stopped her.

"This is not a time for science," Pat whispered as the three widow- mermaids disappeared into the water.

Both John's and Mu Su's pods had stayed upright on the sand, in a mute salute as the three mermaids struggled with their burden, and they remained there, frozen in their vigil, hours later as the sun came up. No one moved, no one spoke, no one slept, not even Angara and Saya, until Lakan had stirred awake after the sun had lifted itself ten degrees off the horizon.

After Lakan was fully awake, Pat, with Angara translating, explained what his options were, and while he was not looking forward to becoming a woman, or a mermaid, he seemed grateful for the chance to live. He asked who the three missing mermaids were, having never met them, but Angara assured him that "he" would never meet them, but "she" would.

Three days later, they finally returned.


One day before that return, seven mermaids and three mermen floated in the Moon Pool while Lakan sat fearfully in the cave, waiting for his turn. They had started with Saka two days ago, who became Agba in about twelve hours; his new Filipino name meant "courage." Afterwards Angara had made her transition in about ten hours. Now it was his turn. He already had immature gills on his back thanks to the feedings they had given him. He had enjoyed those despite knowing what they were doing to him. Danni's breasts were his favorite, with her classic blonde looks, long nipples, and supple body. He had to be restrained for this morning's feeding because he kept pawing at her body, determined to enjoy his last hours as a man.

Agba rose up as soon as Angara had finished changing. He was a small merman compared to John or Mu Su, but he was large for a Filipino man, over seven feet in length with an impressive silver and black-stripped tail. He had regressed in age as he changed, and appeared to be a healthy man, well ... merman, in his early twenties. He had broad shoulders and a strong jaw. His hair was black as were his eyes, and the look he gave Lakan brokered no negotiations. Lakan merely sighed as he slipped reluctantly into the pool.

He discovered himself facing Angara, who had equally regressed in age, and was beautiful, more beautiful than he could have possible imagined. She had radically changed and was lovely in her shimmering silver-white tail with a whisper of pink along her fins, flukes, and webbing. Her hair was also white, and her eyes were blue, a striking combination. Like Agba, she was small, about the same size as Xing, but she had lovely breasts and a tiny waist. Her dorsal membrane looked like finest lace as it fluttered in the water behind her. She was finishing a squid, as everyone was eating after her transition in the pool, rather than above in the cave. She swallowed the last of her meal, and he gulped as she reached out her arms for him.

The entire group intoned, "Liga take from Angara her milk and receive from her your tail." Liga was to be his new name, which meant "light," and they were speaking because they knew he would refuse. Even as he felt Angara's arms cradle his head to her breast, and even as his lips began drinking from her, he still felt a great turmoil inside; he would not will this to happen. They would have to force him.

Pat had known Lakan would go down fighting, and so when Angara had finished, before Agba had risen to fetch him, she had coached everyone on what to do. They would will him to change. Agba wanted Liga to become a black mermaid to Angara's white, and everyone agreed on what Liga would look like, and more importantly, how the future mermaid should behave. She would be a devoted mate to Agba and sister-wife to Angara. Pat also enjoyed the pun buried in Lakan's new name, he would be black in color, but light hearted in nature-if this experiment worked.

Lakan felt the energy build slightly from Angara's milk, and he struggled as Angara guided him towards Pat. He could hear them all humming.

"Liga, take from Pat her milk and receive from her your tail," they all chanted.

Pat took the reluctant man to her breast, and he could not stop himself from suckling at her large nipples. Pat focused her mind, even as she felt the customary pleasure >from a feeding flow through her body, on feminine thoughts, and reveling in the feelings of a female body, the wonder of erogenous zones that encompass whole areas of a body, rather than centered in a penis. She felt the milk flow from her breasts, and thought of the joy she felt when she finally accepted her journey into womanhood. She switched breasts, and renewed her focus on Liga becoming a beautiful mermaid, deeply bonded to Agba and Angara. She could feel his resistance, but it faded some as she focused her will upon him. When he had drained her breasts, she pushed him to Danni.

Lakan could feel the forces building, and he was trying to fight them. He couldn't stop himself from drinking, however, and he knew that each drop was pushing him further and further away from manhood and deeper and deeper into a new world that he feared. He could not shut out their humming, their energy, or their will.

"Liga, take from Danni her milk and receive from her your tail," they repeated.

Lakan was almost eager to return to Danni's wonderful breasts, but he did not reach for her. Instead, she gathered him into her arms, and guided his trembling lips to her nipples. She too focused on the great joy she had discovered when she changed from man to woman, and then again from woman to mermaid. She poured those thoughts into the milk that flowed from her breasts into the slender man she held.

Lakan could feel his body growing rigid, his legs stiffening towards the bottom of the pool. How could that be, he wondered. They told him he would first become a woman and then become a mermaid. He fought against the forces that seemed to be both within his body and surrounding him in the water, pressing in on him from all sides, but his body would not respond to his own will. He could feel pressure at his waist and shoulders pushing in, and pressure at his hips pushing out. Even as he reluctantly continued to drink from Danni's breasts, his body began its journey towards womanhood.

"Liga, take from John his semen and receive from him your tail," the group chanted as they pushed him towards the enormous merman, whose equally large cock stood stiff in the water, pointed at his face.

Lakan turned away, but Danni and Pat held his arms and Angara held his legs, and moved him towards John's body. He turned his head from side to side, but that only succeeded in making John's penis slap his face and brush against his lips. A drop of pre-cum caught his lips on his second pass, and the taste froze him in the water. Pat reached up and opened his mouth with her fingers as John slowly inserted his cock into the reluctant transformee's mouth. As soon as John's cock reached the back of his throat, a great spurt of semen gushed forth, and Lakan's gag reflex took over, and he swallowed down the load. Another spurt followed, and Lakan took that one down, and another, and another. Finally, the mermaids stopped holding him, and he floated free from John's cock, horrified at what was happening to him.

"Liga, take from Rikki her milk and receive from her your tail," the group repeated as Angara, still holding Lakan's legs, moved him to her. Rikki took the now trance-like Lakan to her lips, noting that he was already well on his way to womanhood. His slender torso had become more so, and his hips had widened considerably. His hair was longer, and his face was softer. His hands and shoulders were dramatically smaller, and his eyes were larger. He drank from her deeply.

"Liga, take from Cleo her milk, and receive from her your tail," they said. He wanted to turn away, but he could not. He drank from Cleo's breasts, no different from Rikki's, and felt his manhood slip further and further away. He was now mostly a woman, he could tell. But they would never get his mind, he vowed.

"Liga, take from Emma her milk, and receive from her your tail," they chanted and then resumed their humming. There was something different about Emma's breasts, and he found himself sucked into an energy he had not felt before. Emma focused her mind clearly on her own very recent journey into womanhood, and thrilled to the incredible feelings that washed over her as she was a feeder for the first time. She poured her love of all things girlish into her milk, into Lakan, and she pressed her whole body into his increasingly female body. Pat had joined Angara at Lakan's legs, and his body was now visibly feminine.

"You love breasts, don't you?" Emma whispered to the increasingly feminine Lakan who nodded wordlessly into her breast, still sucking at her nipple. "Come on Liga, let me see your breasts," she urged. "Push out, you can do it, nice breasts with pert sensitive nipples. You want breasts, you know you do."

Liga couldn't help it. She did want breasts, and so she pushed. It felt incredible; her breasts slowly rose on her chest even as she switched to Emma's other breast. She could feel her nipples expand into the water, crinkling up with tension as they grew, a delicious itching deep within her chest.

"Liga, take from Mu Su his semen and take from him your tail," they chanted again. Liga could feel her legs stiffening further as Pat and Angara rubbed her long, slender limbs, so soft and feminine. She reached forward with her own hand, and guided Mu Su's cock to her mouth, and swallowed each spurt as it flowed into her body. The energy was really building now, and she could feel with swirling forces within and without her body.

"Liga, take from Agba his semen and take from him your tail," they sang a final time.

"Yes, Agba ... give me my tail," Liga gasped, filled with sudden need and barely able to contain herself.

She fell on to Agba's cock and pulled deeply on it. She was instantly rewarded with hot rush of semen that gushed into her mouth. Another, and another, and another! She sucked harder, and was rewarded with another, and yet another. Agba arched in his orgasm, and focused on Liga's journey towards his future pod-mate.

Liga pulled back as Pat and Angara floated away from her legs. Her arms seemed to be pulled by a force outside herself, stretching out horizontally in the water, her head erect, her toes rigidly pointed towards the bottom of the pool. She could feel her dramatically changed body in the water, the cool caress of water on her neck, her breasts, her tummy, her hips, her crotch, and her rigid legs. She hung there for all time and no time at all. The water she could feel lapping at her crotch, caressing her thighs, began to feel warm, and she pushed down on her crotch with her stomach muscles, clenching her back as well in her effort to push down her crotch.

The others watched as Liga moaned into the water, her body pulsing with energy, as the familiar slow-motion spasm rolled through her body. They were all humming in unison, watching her slowly transform into a beautiful mermaid. Her legs fused, and then her tail lengthened. Her flukes then appeared, and then her fins and dorsal membrane, and finally her webbing and her final growth of hair signified that the two and one half days were nearly finished.

Liga could not feel time pass, but she felt a growing urge rise within her. She pushed hard, her whole body caught up in the incredible effort, and felt her tail reach for the bottom of the pool. She could feel the strange and painful sensation of her bones breaking, reforming, and knitting themselves back together. Even as she recovered from that ordeal, she could feel her flukes push out from her tail, and then her fins at her sides. Long, sinewy muscles formed and attached themselves to her pelvis, torso, and tail. She could feel her tail forming scales, crawling down from her waist, cascading over her flanks, and spreading out over her flukes. Waves of energy crashed up and down her body, reshaping and reforming her into a petite, lovely mermaid.

Then a great bubble of energy rose up from her new womb and percolated through her body, rising finally through her head and scalp. She arched her body in a spasm of ecstasy, and when she opened her eyes, she could see her beautiful tailfin fluttering in the afternoon sunlight that filtered down into the Moon Pool.

She straightened out, and looked down at herself. She was beautiful. She had velvet black scales with hints of purple and blue shimmering below the surface, and her fins, flukes, and webbing were trimmed with a delicate white lace. She turned and admired the sweep of her hips out from her waist, and the long fluttering white of her dorsal membrane.

She turned to see Agba and Angara floating before her, and a deep feeling of love and lust welled up from within her. She darted forward in the water, and the three of them were quickly caught in a swirling tangle of fins, tails, and arms. Never before had she felt such need, and she begged Agba to fulfill her need, uncaring of the other pods still in the pool. She remembered her past, but now it seemed distasteful, and the wondrous gift of a new life, a fresh start, with a supple and beautiful body was not to be denied.

Nothing had ever felt like this need, and Liga reached down to Agba's already stiff cock, and pointed it at her virgin opening. She turned to Angara and kissed her deeply as she felt Agba begin to push slowly into her, his penis pushing past her outer lips, silky soft even as they stretched in a wonderful tension around his invading cock. She felt his head glide past her birth canal, sliding up and in, steadily pushing relentlessly forward. She could feel the veins along the outside of his cock as it pushed into her now willing and eager body. Her virginity gave way with barely a ripple, and still his cock pushed inwards.

As his hips met her own, Liga could feel the full length and strength of her husband-pod-mate's cock. His tail was pushed into her own, her labia stretched taught around his thick cock, her clitoris throbbing as his top ridge on his vent poked at it. He slowly pulled his cock back out, pausing at the top of his stroke, holding just the tip of his cock inside her hot and eager pussy.

Then Agba began to stroke in and out of her vagina, his hands at her hips, drawing him into her again and again. She didn't notice as the other pods fell into their own groups, seeking the healing and sanctuary of their own mates. Liga only knew her pod-mates, Angara stroking and pinching her nipples, Agba's cock sawing in and out of her new opening, and that fullness that stretched her insides in a pleasurably agonizing way. When she found her release, seconds later, she passed out in delirium.


Gail looked around her at the circle of mermaids floating in the Moon Pool, and she steeled herself to the task she knew she must do. Petra was pregnant, as everyone had discovered. Her electrical pattern had changed infinitesimally, and when they thought about it, they had agreed that she was now five days late on her period. Gail had been right, she acknowledged silently to herself, Petra was the first to conceive. Now, Gail must become the father.

She had spent the three days in mourning over the loss of their beloved Michael, but the urge to change had built up steadily from her two sister-wives. She recognized their need, and they had returned to the group to affect the quickest change possible, and surprisingly, she had been able to eat large amounts of food for the last few hours, and everyone had joined in the effort to fill her with the raw materials she would need for the change. As the sun set, and the moon rose over their chimney, she hoped that she was ready for her final transformation.

She floated to Xing, who was still trying to control her emotions, but was crying, despite her best efforts. Strange, Gail thought as she looked at the beautiful young Asian mermaid, you can still see tears underwater.

"Xing, my beautiful flower of the sea," she began, "will you give me your milk so that I can become your mate?"

"Oh, Gail," Xing sobbed, "thank you much become Gabriel," using the name Gail had decided to use. "Take me so you give me child."

Gabriel, yes, Gabriel sounded good, she/he thought to himself as he/she heard it spoken for the first time. Gabriel floated forward and took the delicate Xing into his/her arms and kissed her first, then sank to her breast and began to drink. Gabriel drank deeply from her/his pod- mate, draining her, and then moved to Pat.

"I must drink from you so that I may join John as a male," she/he intoned, "will you help me become a man?"

"Come, Gabriel," Pat said with great gentleness and admiration, "drink from me."

Gabriel could feel the great power in Pat's breasts begin to build the energy she/he would need to make the transition, but she/he held it in check. Gabriel then drank from Danni, Phoebe, Angara, Liga, and then the triplets, each time building power but each time holding those forces in check with her/his indomitable will.

Finally, filled with the energy of the mermaids, and feeling the distant masculine energy of John, Mu Su, and Agba as they waited above, Gabriel/Gail faced Petra, unchanged other than the tremendous energy that she/he held within his/her body.

"I am ... unchanged ... until I come to you ... my love," Gabriel struggled to get the words out in Gail's still unchanged voice. "You were my ... first ... true ... love, and so you will ... remain ... forever. Let me drink from you ... and become ... the man of your dreams."

"Oh, Gabriel," Petra gasped, touched by the gesture and the effort that Gail was exerting to hold back those forces she could see surging within her/his body. "Drink from me my love, and be ours," she said as she looked at the still crying Xing. As Gabriel drifted towards one of Petra's generous breasts, Petra pulled Xing to her other breast. "Drink too, my love," she whispered to Xing, "drink and be healed."

Gabriel and Xing made contact with Petra's breasts at the same moment, and both women arched into enormous orgasms. Xing drank the warmth and sweetness the poured from Petra as she felt the energy that Gabriel had stored and was now releasing throughout his body.

Gabriel could sense the crystal clear image in Petra's mind, and he liberated the forces that swirled within him. He felt his body push outward in all directions throughout his body as his change converted the bulk and food he had stuffed himself with into more bone, muscle, and sinew. He felt his shoulders stretch out, and his arms lengthen, even as his tail grew longer and stronger, and a dorsal fin pushed outward from his backside. Without stopping his efforts at pulling the transformative milk from Petra's breasts, he pushed hard with his abdomen, and he felt his womb fall deep within his tail, tingling and transforming. After a few moments, he felt a new force rising up through his tail, poking out his now changed vent, and then rising into the water. He could feel his new cock, stiff and hot in the cool water, throbbing with need. But still he pulled from Petra's breast.

The rest of the mermaids watched in wonder as Gabriel's tail darkened to the same obsidian black with silver highlights that Michael had once had, and how Gail's stark beauty was changed into a subtle reflection of Michael's rugged good looks. His hair didn't change, but Pat suspected that it would eventually slough off and become shorter like John's and Mu Su's. His eyes, however, were still the vibrant, dark, violet eyes of Gail, darkened now by grief and effort. Gabriel also looked a little gaunt as he finished his change, probably because of the need for his body to add more bulk to the larger bones and muscles he had just created.

Gabriel's change had taken only a few minutes, but for Gabriel it seemed only a few seconds. Now he floated with his two pod mates while John's, Mu Su's, and Agba's pods each found release in their own corners of the Moon Pool. He was now nearly as tall as John, and he looked at the lush, womanly Petra with great love and great sadness.

"He knew before you did," he whispered.

"I don't know why I didn't know that I was pregnant," Petra wondered.

"It because you not born woman," Xing said. "You have few periods. You no could know," she said as she rested her hand on Petra's belly.

"Her name will be ... Michelle," Petra said, holding Xing's hand on her belly while reaching out to bring Gabriel into a kiss. Xing stroked Petra's hair as Gabriel kissed Petra. Petra's kisses became more urgent, and she began pulling at Gabriel's body, pushing herself to him.

"Shouldn't we be careful with the baby," Gabriel worried.

"No," Petra panted into his ear, "this is more important."

Gabriel's heart wrenched as he heard Michael's last words repeated, but he understood what Petra meant. And she was right, this was more important. He gave himself over to the rising blood in his cock, pulled his vent open, and let his new mast rise in the water.

"Oh, Gabriel," Petra moaned as she felt his cock brush against her belly, "I want you so badly."

Xing helped guide his cock to Petra's eager vent, and then wrapped her own tail around her pod-mates as they began to make love. Gabriel now understood why Michael had given himself so easily, so eagerly, and so often to Petra as he felt her welcoming warmth pull his long cock deep within her. He could feel her muscles rippling along his shaft, even as she cooed into his ear, nuzzling him, constantly urging him, "More, more, ... more," in her soft, sweet voice. "Harder, harder, harder," she continued, as his rhythms grew more and more urgent, their bodies slapping together. As Gail, her silence was cold, but as Gabriel his silence was masculine. Nevertheless, he had to tell her how he loved her.

"Petra, oh .... God ... Petra," Gabriel moaned, as his body began to gather sperm deep within his tail, his stiffness reaching down to his mid-tail fins. He could feel Xing perched on his left shoulder, her breasts pressed into his torso as her clit was pressed to his pelvic fin. He could feel his right fin vibrating in the water, and their entwined tails all glittering with their need, shaking and twisting as they made love for the first time as male and female. "Petra ... I ... uh ... love ... oh ... you," he gasped as they pounded into each other.

"Oh, Gabriel ... I ... love ... you ... too ... more ... more .... Again ... right there ... oooohhhh ... more ... my love, AAAAAHHHHHHHHH," Petra murmured as softly as she could into Gabriel's ear as she tried to stifle the volume of her orgasm that ripped through her lush and womanly body, her tail quivering in spasms, her body clenching around Gabriel's stiff cock.

"Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh," Gabriel groaned as his release came, pulsing up from deep within, locking their bodies together in a passionate embrace. As they both quivered in the free-fall tumble of their love, he reached for Petra's beautiful face with his hands, their bodies still twitching, and kissed her deeply. He then turned and kissed Xing who was still coming down from her own orgasm, their bodies surrounded by the milk released from the girls.

"Her name will be Michelle," he whispered again. Both women nodded happily.
