Changes in Paradise: 04

by: Patricia 
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Rating: X Add Review    Added: 06/13/2007
Complete: SIBC 
Synopsis:This is a modest re-write of chapters 1 - 7. None of the changes are "earth shattering," but hopefully most of the typos, grammar mistakes, timeline errors, and implausible or unexplained science has been corrected.
Categories: Age Progression  Age Regression  Chemical or Drug Induced Change  Crime Punishment  Female to Male Transformations  Mind Altered, Hypnosis, Brainwashed  Physically Forced or Blackmailed  SciFi 

Changes in Paradise: 04 - A Mermaid's Tail By Patricia


Sometimes, Pat hated being right. The scientist in her always wanted to be right, but the woman she had become, feared the conclusions she was reaching.

She stood on the ruined wreck of a sailing craft that had grounded ashore on their island's southeast shore, just on the other side of the lagoon in which the two pods had initially made their homes. John and Michael were lifting debris and remains off of the deck, which was riddled with bullet holes, while she and Gail searched for clues and salvageable items from the cabins. The craft had been abandoned for some time-they couldn't tell how long-and not much was useful. Most of the advanced electronic equipment had been smashed or shot through, and no one in the pods wore clothes any longer, so the clothes and other personal items were not useful either.

Actually, now that she remembered, she was right about Michael being right, which made it worse: some one else was right, too. When Michael was Michelle, he (she) had warned of a return of Alberto's men. It was fortunate that they had been preparing for this moment for the last several months.

Pat stopped reading the diary she had found in one of the cabin drawers, where this family had stowed some of their clothes, to brush a tear from her eye. She was crying for two reasons; first, she found herself feeling more and more emotional in recent months, feeling an ache for a "family" in ways the former man found new and troubling. Second, she and Michael had been right: the carnage they were sifting through was caused by Alberto Estanado, the drug lord from whom first Danni-and more recently Michael, Gail, Petra, and Phoebe-had managed to escape, through a great deal of luck, by coming to this island.

"Gail, look," she said, holding out the small book she had found under a jumble of boy's underwear and girl's bras and panties.

Gail walked over to her, picking her way among the broken furniture, smashed equipment, and torn clothes. Pat had come to appreciate Gail's quite strength and firm leadership. The former middle-aged missionary was now a far cry from the repressed, dumpy, and frigid lady she had been originally. Gail was tall, nearly a half a foot taller than Pat, and strong. Her bronzed skin rippled with muscles, reminding her of Lucy Lawless. Gail never bossed anyone around, but her physical and mental focus was nearly as overpowering as John's sheer physical size. Gail took the book from Pat, and skimmed through it quickly. It looked like a girl's diary, full of doodles, pictures from magazines, poems, sketches, pictures of the doomed family, dreams, and dares. The last few pages, however, were a quickly scrawled litany of horror.

From this new evidence, they now knew that the sailing craft had belonged to a family of five: parents with triplets, two daughters and a son, all teenagers. When they first started searching through the wreckage nearly an hour ago, they couldn't tell who or how many people had been on the boat. The birds had feasted on the remains while the boat drifted towards the shore. No pictures remained in the cabin, and there were at least three human remains on the deck, but they were so badly eaten away or decomposed, their sexes, ages, and even their sizes were practicably indistinguishable. The diary confirmed these facts and more.

Alberto's men had pirated the boat, killed their father, and raped their mother. The two teenaged girls were to be sold for prostitution, while the boy was to be saved for "something special." The diary ended there. No word on what happened to the boy, whose named appeared to be Martin. Gail guessed that one of the two girls was the author, either Ricki, or her twin sister, Cleo. They were probably on their way to Thailand or Singapore to be sold into prostitution, maybe even their unnamed mother as well. Pat's gut twisted, and her eyes misted again.

Pat's feelings towards Danni, Phoebe, and John were as lovers, but she knew that some day, children were inevitable, especially considering how much sex everyone was having. Still, it had been several months since the arrival of The Argo and the addition of Michael, Gail, Petra, and Phoebe to their island, and no one had yet skipped a period. Pat suspected it was because their bodies had not yet finished transitioning into their final forms. She had noticed that John, Danni, and herself had developed delicate webbing in between their fingers and toes, but she wasn't sure it how much further beyond that it would go. In any event, she didn't want her paradise to be continually under threat from this madman.

Gail's normally severe beauty tightened even further as she read the diary. Alberto had tormented her and her "then" sister, Michelle, for months before they, and Phoebe and her "then" Uncle Peter had managed to escape, accidentally, to this island. Now Michael, Petra, and herself formed the other family pod to John and his girls. Michael had proven himself a talented and capable lover for both she and Petra, though Gail could tell that Michael felt something special for Petra, who returned his fervor with extra emphasis. Gail loved Michael, but her body and emotions responded to Petra, though she knew that Petra was head over heels in love with Michael.

As a result, Gail found a sense of purpose as she became the level headed master of tactics, resources, and action for both groups. Pat was the scientist-mom of the group; John was the bodyguard, the tallest, and strongest of all. Danni was the playful cheerleader, while Phoebe was the studious youth, following in Pat's footsteps. Petra was the sensuous mother-goddess, while Michael was Gail's warrior, able to understand her with a flick of an eye, and together they were ruthless. Both pods had enjoyed many a shark steak seared over a beach fire as the result of their efforts.


For the last several months, both pods divided their time between the ocean and the land, with their days mostly in the water, and their nights mostly on the land. Pat had hypothesized that prolonged exposure to the water would change their bodies so much that moving around on the land might be difficult, and every one had agreed such a change was likely. Phoebe was the only one who actually talked about wanting to become a mermaid, and despite the many talks Pat had with her about the likelihood of the changes they were undergoing to result in the aesthetically pleasing, mythical "mermaid" of yore, she wouldn't give up on her dream.

Under Gail's strong leadership, they had more thoroughly explored their island for geographic features useful for hiding, hunting, and protecting themselves. Pat and John had mapped the island for botanical and animal life when they first arrived over a year ago, but the two men (then) hadn't been concerned about defending themselves or the island from drug/prostitution pirates. Now, they had found an extensive system of interconnected caves on the western edge of the island, where the volcano above dropped into the sea in a sheer cliff. The southern island had a large land shelf with several lagoons, of which theirs was the largest, and a system of coral reefs off shore that curved around to the east of the island. The eastern and northern slopes were not the sheer cliffs of the western island, but eased gently towards the sea in a series of rocky coves spotted with small, white beaches, and rocky outcroppings. There were caves here too, but not so numerous or as interconnected as those to the west.

They had spent the last two weeks moving most of the equipment from the mountainside and beach huts to the caves in the west, which could only be accessed via underwater passageways, old magma tunnels that had cooled and which now stretched deep into the mountain with hundreds of twists and turns. There was one cave, deep in the system, that had a large chimney with a nearly invisible opening not too far from the hot tub John and Pat had built on promontory mid-way up the southwestern side of volcano. John's pod had carefully lowered the equipment and records that might get damaged by the sea down this chimney to Michael's pod, who then redistributed it among the dry shelves and rooms that opened along various twists and turns of the tunnels of water that they had now mapped, and in which they built their new homes.

Petra had been floating in a pool that was in a room next to the "chimney room" after helping Gail and Michael lug another load from that room to several of the various caves they had designated for each function (the lab, the library, Michael's pod's bedroom, John's pod's bedroom, etc.,), when she discovered that the seemingly solid volcanic rock that formed the vaulted arch of this small space was actually riddled with holes that apparently snaked throughout the island.

If she was still, she could hear Pat and John talking as they passed the hot tub, Danni muttering to her self at the mountainside camp several hundred yards around the mountain, and even Phoebe's antics in the caves and coves at the eastern side of the island (where she was supposed to be collecting information on the size and shape of all the major inlets on that side, but was playing with dolphins instead). She called out to Michael and Gail, and they listened as well. Gail then formulated a plan that she shared with Pat and John when they brought the next load to the chimney to map out where all the "listening tubes," as Petra called them, went. They had finished mapping about twenty or so clear listening tubes that covered most of the island, when the boat had washed ashore that morning.


As Pat watched Gail process the diary and its contents, her mind drifted to her own family pod. John was her oldest and best friend, and more recently, her lover. Danni an unexpected bonus, but her sunny disposition and frank eagerness for sex had made her an essential balance to her own bookishness and John's "strong and silent" type. Their newest "sister/wife" was Phoebe, who had been a water nymph growing up near the Gold Coast of Australia. She had probably spent more time in or on the water than she had on the land in her childhood. She was a natural in the water, swimming nearly as fast and as effortlessly as Michael or John, who were each twice as strong as she was. Despite her dreams of becoming a mermaid, she accepted the leadership of Gail and Pat, and spent each night, like the rest of them, on land-at first on the huts on the beach, and more recently in the caves to which they had moved. Pat loved each one of them immensely.

She knew what the diary meant: some day those men would show up here. She was a scientist, not a general. She felt helpless and angry.

Gail put the diary down, and gave another cursory look around the cabin. "We won't likely find anything more that is useful, though I promised Petra I would bring back any clothes that looked like they might fit her."

"Clothes?" Pat asked.

"She used to be a cross-dresser," Gail added. "Remember?"

Pat nodded. Pat was herself an accidental, though very happy new woman, whereas Petra had dreamed of becoming one for years. Now that she finally had the body to die for, she was on a tropical island spending all of her time naked-not especially satisfying for a former cross-dresser. Pat helped Gail go through the drawers, and found a few things that might fit the voluptuous Petra. Apparently, the mother of this tragic family was of a similar build to Petra, whereas the girls were still teenagers, though bikini's that belonged to the girls were still a full C cup. Petra, however, was a DD with some extra change thrown in for good measure. Together, they filled a small suitcase with bikinis and lingerie, and went out onto the deck.

Michael and John had finished cleaning and sorting the debris on the deck. Like the cabin, nothing was useful, most of it deliberately destroyed. They had discovered that the two of them worked well as a team when they were alone together or when they each had a sister-wife with them. It was only when it was three of them, the two men and one woman, when the nearly uncontrollable urges towards violence and aggression arose.

"We found a diary," Gail reported.

"And?" John asked in his usual loquacious manner.

"Alberto," Pat answered.

"This is not good news," Michael said as he scanned the horizon as though Alberto's men would suddenly appear.

"We should get back to the lagoon and make some plans," Gail suggested.

"What about the boat?" asked Pat. "Shouldn't we try to get rid of it or something?"

"No, it's too big to move," Gail said, looking things over. "And a fire would signal to anyone watching that there was human activity on this island. We should just leave it here."

"The next storm may take care of it," John said. "If we're lucky."

The four of them climbed down the side of the boat and headed back towards the lagoon. They had a lot of planning to do.


It was Phoebe's turn to "man" the hot tub lookout that day. She could see the small specks of John, Pat, Michael, and Gail as they trotted back across the eastern arm of sand and palm trees that formed the northeastern boundary of their large lagoon. Beyond them, the sea was calm, and empty.

She thought back to the first time John, Pat, and Danni had taken her to this hot tub a few weeks ago. It had been a beautiful evening, a clear night with the Milky Way glowing visibly across the southern sky. All three of them had lavished her with attention for the better part of two hours, and when they were through with her, she lay limply in the warm water for another hour watching the three of them frolic and play before she could rejoin them. John seemed to have endless stamina, which suited the three girls just fine. Phoebe sighed as her nipples stiffened at the memory.

She looked down at her vastly changed body. When she arrived she was starving, skinny, and a teenager. Now, she was womanly, well fed, and well loved. She lifted a delicate finger to her stiff nipple, and gave it a small squeeze, prompting a small offering of her milk. God, that felt so wonderful, she thought to herself. All the girls were now producing milk on demand, which had saved Phoebe a nasty cut on her calf from the coral. Danni had simply squeezed a drop or two from her breasts onto Phoebe's leg, and the deep scrape healed within an hour without a trace. She licked her breast and tasted her own milk. It was sweet and warm. Her could feel her gills along her back reaching into the hot tub, which only added to her feelings of sensuousness and femininity. She had grown up in Australia where popular culture had idolized mermaids, and many women "practiced" being mermaids with latex or fabric tails in the warm tropical waters of the Gold Coast where she had lived. They weren't real mermaids, of course, but there were no such things as mermaids, right?

Not for Phoebe. She was a mermaid in her imagination, a beautiful creature of mystery, myth, and the sea. Her other hand slowly snaked down her torso towards her crotch. She loved the way her body could stimulate Pat, Danni, and John-and herself, on occasions like this one. She continued to milk one breast, pulling it up to her eager mouth as milk oozed forth, while running her other hand over her stomach and flanks. Her body was so similar to Danni's and Pat's, but she was the only one who had been born a girl. She giggled at the memory of her transformation from a skinny teen to a voluptuous woman with Danni's help. She imagined she was again drinking >from those amazing breasts, with those long nipples. She collected the milk she herself had produced on her finger, and sucked on it as though it was Danni's nipple. She knew she was the only one who wanted to continue the transformation, and she didn't know why the thought excited her so much.

She ran her hands along her waist, imagining that a beautiful mermaid's tail actually started there, decorated by flecks of color and light as her own skin transitioned from soft, feminine flesh to shiny, undulating scales. Her hand stroked downward to "feel" her tail, but was interrupted by the light tuft of hair at the top of her vagina. It was a worthy reminder of what she did have, and she began flicking gently at her clit. Her other hand continued to tug on her turgid nipples, seeking to make her breasts ooze more of the white milk that seemed to be the key to all these changes. As her arousal grew, her breasts swelled with her passion, and the water in the hot tub began to slosh and splash as her body responded to her self love. She pointed her legs across the water, as she imagined that the flesh colored webbing she could see starting to form between John's, Pat's, and Danni's fingers had spread to her own, but instead was an iridescent blue, and she imagined that her legs were a long, graceful tail with power, grace, and beauty shimmering like a rainbow in the hot tub. Her fingers blurred at her crotch, while her breast spurted three streams of milk, one of which landing on her face and neck. She pulled again at her breast, and succeeded at getting a stream to hit her mouth cleanly. The sweetness was delicious, and she imagined her own milk coursing through her body, changing her. She cried out as the image and her orgasm collided, and tremors of pleasure coursed through her body.

When she recovered sufficiently so that she could open her eyes, Phoebe saw the spots along the horizon that signified they would be having visitors within a few hours.


Normally, they wouldn't have walked back, but Gail wanted to keep the clothes dry for Petra. So, John, Michael, and Pat all walked back with her. Petra, nee Peter the former cross-dresser, had transformed into a nearly exact replica of the Playboy playmate from the early 90s, Petra Verkaik, though this Petra was a bit taller than the original. Petra shared the same lanky build, however, the same unexpectedly large and lush breasts, and the same dramatic, arched beauty in her face and eyes. She and Gail were the exact same height, but Gail was a true Amazon, all angles and power, whereas Petra was curves and softness.

They made a good pair, Michael thought to himself as he watched Petra run up the beach to embrace her sister-wife. He didn't know how to convince Gail that he loved them both deeply, but he knew that he would continue to try. Making love to Petra was like wallowing in softness and squeals, whereas Gail was a tigress, fierce and quiet, matching him stroke for stroke, taking her orgasms with control, seeking to cum with purpose. Petra, on the other hand, gave herself completely over to the overwhelming power of sex, often losing consciousness from the rolling waves of her multiple orgasms.

Danni waved from the beach hut, as the five of them walked up the beach. They arrived at the hut just as Phoebe breathlessly emerged from the jungle trail leading up to the mountainside huts.

"Boats," she said urgently. "At least two."

"Where?" snapped Gail?

"South-south east," Phoebe reported. "On the horizon, they looked to be standard fishing-pleasure yachts."

"They won't get here, if they are headed here, until nightfall," Pat concluded.

"Right," Gail said with determination. "Let's put this plan into action."

"Now?" asked John. "Do you think they are headed here?"

Pat and Gail held each other's eyes for a long moment, and then they turned to the other girls and held their gaze in silence.

"Women's intuition," Michael whispered conspiratorially to John. "I used to know a thing or two about that."

"You sure?" asked John, chucking him on the shoulder. "Lately, you're as bad as I am."

"Yea," Michael said with a feral grin. "Isn't that great?"

The girls sighed collectively.

"It's them," Gail reported.

"We can all sense it," Pat finished.

"Well, you're the bosses," John said, waving at Gail and Pat.

"Petra and Michael, head for the Home Caves and get ready to receive the last of our stuff down the chimney," Gail ordered. "Pat, can you and Michael collect the last of our stuff here and haul it up to the chimney?"

"We're on it," Pat and John said in unison.

"Phoebe, I need you to come with me," Gail smiled. "We're going to prepare some surprises for our guests."


Petra could barely contain her excitement. She was wearing a bikini, and it looked spectacular! She felt a twinge of guilt as she thought of the original owner of the bright pink suit, but she put that thought aside; she could do nothing about the past. She reveled in the weight of her large breasts, as they pulled at the strap around her neck, and the way the bikini forced her bulging breasts together in a deep and warm cleavage.

"Petra," Phoebe asked from down the passageway, "have you put all of your pod's stuff away?"

"Yes," she answered. "I'm just trying on some clothes."

Phoebe turned the corner to see Petra, her former Uncle Peter but who was now her same biological sex and age, posing along side one of the hundreds of tidal pools that were all interconnected in this Swiss cheese system of caves and tunnels.

"You look beautiful," she said. "I spent most of my youth wanting to go to the nude beach so I didn't have to wear a swim suit, and you ... "

"Waited my whole life to have to wear one," Petra giggled. "And now that I can, but there's no need."

"Doesn't your back hurt?" Phoebe asked as she noticed the straining straps to Petra's bikini top. Petra's breasts were nearly level with her chin, as Petra's 5' 11' frame towered over Phoebe's 5' 6''.

"No," Petra answered. "Why do you ask?"

"The straps," Phoebe prompted. "My gills are so sensitive, I can't imagine tying anything across them."

"Oh," Petra smiled and turned, showing Phoebe where she had taken a folded silk blouse to cushion the lower strap as it crossed her gills.

"That kinda means we can't wear clothes that cross our backs." Phoebe said.

"Yes, I am afraid so," Petra answered. "Even with this super soft silk, I can still feel where the tie digs into me. I just wanted to try it once."

"Don't pout," Phoebe urged, coming over to hug her former uncle. "You have the most beautiful breasts here, and it would be a shame to cover them."

"Oh, Phoebe," Petra breathed, "I know all this has been really strange, and really difficult, but I am so happy now."

"I am too, Petra," Phoebe admitted. "I feel like I've lost a kind and sweet uncle, along with the rest of our family, but I've gained a beautiful and caring sister."

"Or cousin," Petra said with a sly smile. "A kissing cousin?"

Phoebe started ... she hadn't really thought about that ... kissing Peter/Petra? Why did that thought appeal to her? She struggled internally for a moment before Petra put the matter to rest.

"Kissing cousins," she said firmly as she lifted Phoebe's face with her hands and bent down to kiss her deeply.

Phoebe physically enjoyed the kiss, and the pressure of Petra's enormous breasts filling the space between the tops of her own and her chin, but emotionally, she was thinking of Danni and Pat. She wondered how all this would work itself out. Petra too enjoyed the gentle tease of naughty thoughts that played across her imagination as she kissed her surprised former niece, but she also felt the emotional tug of her bonds to Michael and Gail.

"Perhaps more someday?" Petra asked.

"Perhaps," Phoebe answered with a smile.


The next morning, Pat, Danni, and Phoebe were pouring through the diary in the Chimney Cave, reading by the sunlight that cascaded down from above, trying to learn all they could about the family that had met a terrible end, dangling their feet into the pool in the center of the room. Gail, who had been manning the listening tubes the previous evening, reported that the boats had reached the abandoned sailboat on the eastern arm after sunset, but everyone must have stayed aboard. No new sounds or voices had been heard.

John pulled up through the pool in the middle of the room with a powerful kick, and landed with a thud next to Pat at the edge of the pool.

"You're getting to be quite the swimmer," she remarked as water sluiced off John's shining skin and hair.

"They are making landfall even now, and they should find the remains of our beach camp shortly," he reported.

"Could you see who they were?" Phoebe asked.

"I stayed at the point, keeping watch," John explained, "while Michael went in for a closer look. He should be right behind me."

Michael burst through the tunnel below their feet and, like John, leapt up-dolphin style-to land next to John. "It's them," he said simply.

"How many?" asked Gail as she burst into the room, followed quickly by Petra.

"At least two dozen, mostly men, well armed, and a few women," he reported. "There also appeared to be five captives, including those three," he said pointing at the photograph in the diary that Pat held on her lap.

"Really," cried Phoebe. "Ohmygod! Who were the other two, their parents?"

"No," Michael replied with a sigh. "They appeared to be Asian girls, young, looked Chinese."

"We HAVE to help them," Phoebe urged, remembering her own time of captivity.

"Yes," Gail said calmly. "We do."

Pat knew better than to argue with Gail when she spoke in that tone of voice. So, she did one better. "Then we are going to need information," she said quietly, "a lot of information."

"We should be hearing from them shortly," Gail replied, with a sly smile to Michael.

"Yes," Michael said to Gail's smile, "I set the trip wires as soon as I knew who they were."

"What do you mean?" asked Petra just as a distant explosion echoed down their chimney. Everyone looked at the patch of sky above as though they might actually see the smoke from the explosion.

"Gail," asked Pat with a sly grin. "What kind of surprises did you leave for our guests?"

"Oh, just some things that Phoebe, Michael, and I whipped up, nothing special," Gail said with a fierce grin that no one thought was supposed to be funny.


The criminals had found the old beach camp, and had assumed that it had been long abandoned. When they crossed the dilapidated threshold of the hut, the two men who had been carrying supplies from the boat to the hut disappeared in a violent explosion. When the smoke had cleared, everyone was on high alert. The captives were put back on the main boat, and Alberto had them all locked in a small cabin until he could sort things out. He marshaled his men, and two women who were members of his gang, into three search parties with strict instructions to search the island carefully, watching for booby traps.

They spent the next three days combing through the island, finding several nasty surprises that Gail, Michael, and Phoebe had left for them. Some worked great, like the one on the family's boat that had drifted ashore. The other half of the gasoline that was left on the boat made for an equally fine explosion as the one at the beach hut. Two men lost their lives there, and one of the women was burned, but not badly. Some didn't work so well, like the one at the mountainside camp: that only cost one of the men a finger.

Alberto and his men had learned to fear the island, but they couldn't be sure if anyone was still there, especially as they could circle the island, more or less, in a single day. They were hoping to lie low for a few weeks, and let the heat die down from various law enforcement agencies looking for them. He and his gang were based mostly in the Philippines, but they did business from Shanghai to Sydney. This tiny, remote island was as good a hideout as any, and it didn't appear on any of the nautical maps. However, the old booby traps that were set for someone were an unpleasant surprise.

The Henderson's boat had been another unpleasant surprise. Alberto had thought it sank weeks ago, but finding it here seemed a bad omen, one that had turned out to be true. Some one had deliberately set those booby traps, which meant that some one was on the island within the last month. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't. The two large yachts in which the gang had arrived had only enough gas for the next jump to Palau. If they spent time searching for yet another of the over 600 small, volcanic islands in the South Pacific, they might run out of gas and be stranded.

On the plus side, the lagoon was perfect, and new beach huts were easily and quickly constructed. Soon, the remaining 15 members of the gang, plus their five captives, were lodged comfortably, if warily, in seven new beach huts along the lagoon. Satisfied that they had found or tripped most of the booby traps, they settled down to wait for either the return of those who had set the traps, or the heat to die down so they could resume their activities. Alberto thought two months or so should do the trick. In the mean time, the two Henderson girls and the two Chinese girls would provide him and a select few of his men some recreation. The boy, on the other hand, served the needs of two of his men who were so inclined to enjoy the fruits of young boys.


That was their lagoon, damnit!

Pat was fuming as she swam back to the caves after reconnoitering the activities in the lagoon. Those bastards were soiling their lagoon, with their loud nights, drunken brawls, and gunshots into the sky. God damn them! They could hear the cries of the teenagers each time one of the gang members took them, even the boy. His screams were the worst. She wanted them dead and gone, but they couldn't do much until they could figure out how to rescue the five teenagers without getting themselves or the children killed.

The two pods were beginning to feel their own form of cabin fever. It had been nearly a month since Alberto and his men had arrived. The pods had to be very careful during the day, and so they missed the sunlight. They had been cooped up, more or less, for over three weeks, and they were beginning to get on edge. They all took long swims on the west and northern sides of the island, but there were few places safe to make landfall, or even rocks on which to sun themselves. They knew that only a small portion of beach was invisible to any lookouts high on the mountain. They stayed out of the lagoons on the south side during the day for the same reason. Their bodies would be visible in the crystal clear water to any clear eyed lookout, and they knew from the listening tubes that Alberto had someone at the hot tub nearly 24 hours a day.

They had taken to eating almost entirely from the sea, in part, because they didn't seem to need any fresh water if they ate seaweed, raw fish, and shellfish, and in part, because they knew that their stores of dried fruit and fish couldn't last as long as Alberto's men could survive on the bounty of the island now denied to them. And, no one wanted to give away their position by making a fire. Alberto's men had guns; whereas they only had knives, and too few of them. Quickly, however, they got used to a diet of fresh seafood and sea grasses. Phoebe loved it. But she was the only one. Everyone, even Phoebe, wanted the gang gone and their island back.

It was a full moon, and Michael's pod were spying on the lagoon, watching the beach for any activity, and hoping for the rare opportunity to capture one of Alberto's men. Petra didn't like such tasks, but she did keep watch with her two pod mates. She wasn't there two weeks ago when one of Alberto's men had decided to take a midnight swim, alone. Many of the men and the two women had gone swimming at night, but Gail could hardly believe her eyes as she lay hidden among the palm fronds on the western arm of the lagoon when she saw a lone man enter the water. She silently slipped into the water and swam to the eastern arm to rouse Michael from his watch, but-as was usual for the two of them-he had had the same idea and they met in the middle of the lagoon's opening to the reefs off shore.

When the gang had discovered the body of their comrade the next morning, they wondered what kind of fish could have breached the barrier reefs to inflict such horrific damage to a human body. No one had gone swimming alone again.

Petra had cried over the cuts on Gail's and Michael's legs from where they had fought with the man under water, as they dragged him down to the coral reefs. She was grateful that her generous breasts could help heal her pod mates, and she was determined not to let her own distaste for violence prevent her from being with her pod. Neither Gail nor Michael ever suggested or pressured her to participate, but she could tell that they both were grateful that she had joined them on their patrols. In truth, both Michael and Gail had come to depend on Petra's gentle nature to balance their own, and her welcoming kisses and caresses eased their long simmering painful memories.

Back in the caves, John's pod had gathered in the chimney room, unable to sleep, and this was the only room in which any light appeared. The moon slowly slipped across the sky until to was directly above the chimney opening. The effect was stunning, casting a perfect reflection onto the surface of the pool in the center of the room. As one, John and the girls slipped into the water and sank into the pool. It was a large pool, about 15 meters wide, nearly a perfect circle, and about 30 meters deep, with many different tunnels that branched off of the pool in several directions, the largest tunnel leading almost directly to the sea, about 100 meters to the west.

The four of them floated in the pale, otherworldly light, holding hands and entwining their feet as they clung close to each other.

"This is beautiful," marveled Phoebe. "We should call this the Moon Pool."

"You are all beautiful," said John as he gazed at each of them.

"It's been ages since we made love," Danni said quietly into the pool.

"I know," sighed Pat. "Alberto's men have put a damper on many things."

"I'm not going to let them win that fight," Phoebe said, and put action to issue by sinking down to John's cock, and sucking it into her mouth. John responded quickly, and soon he was at full erection. Danni and Pat joined their pod mate at John's crotch, while John looked at these beautiful women who swirled in the water below him, stroking his legs with their hands and sharing his stiff cock among the three of them. Pat's rich auburn hair had lost some of her red highlights during the past four weeks of hiding, but it still shone in the moonlight like a beacon. Danni's golden hair was matched by Phoebe's nearly white blonde mane, and he enjoyed the beginnings of his first orgasm building up pressure behind his balls.

Pat looked lovingly at her pod mates and at John's stiff cock that reached nine inches into the water, nearly as thick as her wrist. She shared a deep kiss with Phoebe as Danni took John into her mouth, then stroked Phoebe's breasts as she had a turn, and then was stroked by Phoebe as she took John back into her own mouth. She loved the warmth of John's body, his strength and size, and she loved the gentle caresses from Phoebe and Danni as she stroked her lover's cock. She looked up to John's eyes as he floated above them, and sucked hard on his sensitive head. Her efforts, as she suspected, were instantly rewarded as John spurted into her mouth. One, two, three big pulses in quick succession, then two smaller ones.

She kept John's salty goodness in her mouth, savoring his heat, and turned to the girls, who attacked her face and lips, eager for a taste of their own. When they had shared John's gift, they guided Phoebe up to John's face, his still stiff cock poking her in her crotch. Pat floated behind John, pulling Phoebe's legs apart and holding them on either side of John's waist, while Danni pressed herself into Phoebe's back, reaching between her and John to guide his stiff pole into Phoebe. Both John and Phoebe simply floated while Pat and Danni did all the work. Pat and Danni locked their legs together and pressed their soft breasts into John's and Phoebe's gills. With their hands they guided Phoebe's hips back and forth, stroking John's cock against her clit and G-spot, and she lasted only a few moments before shaking violently in her orgasm, milk spurting from her breasts. Then it was Danni's turn, and she too only lasted a few minutes before she was groaning in her own orgasm. Then it was Pat's turn.

Pat let herself go limp, giving all power of movement to the other girls as she felt Danni's long nipples poking her in her gills. An involuntary tremor ran through her body as she felt Danni's hands hold her wide hips steady, while Phoebe's gentle touch on her ankles pulled her legs around John's strong, slender waist. She gazed lovingly into John's eyes as she felt the flowering of her sex as John's stiff penis pushed past her outer lips. Then the girls froze. Only the tip of John's magnificent penis was inside her, and she wanted more ... she needed more. She twitched her hips, trying to force more of him inside her without actually moving herself, which was not part of this game.

"Uh, oh," whispered Danni into her ear, nibbling on her lob, "You know the rules. Let us do it."

"Please ... " Pat whimpered as John brought his hands up to her breasts, softly rubbing and pulling on her nipples. "Aaaaaahhhh ... please."

Pat loved the way her breasts felt full and heavy with passion, nearly to the bursting, as John pushed, pulled, and caressed her breasts. Danni's hands on her hips rose up to Pat's slender waist and caressed her stomach, teasing at the tufts of hair at the top of her vagina. Phoebe pulled a tiny bit on her legs, and John sank another inch into her. Pat concentrated on letting her lovers make love to her, and she relaxed into the delicious tension that was building in her abdomen. Phoebe pulled again, and John gasped as his head pushed past Pat's engorged G-Spot. Pat admired the soft glow of moonlight on John's chest and face; she was so in love. Phoebe pulled again, and Pat's legs began to quiver even as she struggled not to move. Pat could see the teasing vixen's hair floating behind John's broad shoulders, and she knew that Phoebe was pushing her breasts into John's gills, making him quiver in pleasure. Phoebe pulled again, and John's shaft was now over halfway in, and Danni could feel Pat's internal muscles jumping and twitching as she applied pressure to Pat's womb with her hands. Phoebe pulled again, and John's shaft swelled as he fought to hold back his own orgasm. Phoebe pulled again, and they were joined. Pat's clit was tingling, throbbing, aching to be rubbed, but Danni and Phoebe held them frozen in place.

John's hands had stopped moving and were clenched on Pat's breasts as he focused on not cuming. His face was twisted with effort. Pat gazed down at her breasts, captured by John's strong hands, her nipples straining into the water, milk oozing from one in anticipation of the orgasm that was hurtling towards her like a steam engine roaring down the tracks. She saw her own belly twitching under Danni's gentle pressure, and could even see where her lips had stretched around John's massive cock as it throbbed within her. They hung there for an eternity, it seemed, when John let out a shout into the water, bubbles rising to the surface, as his cock exploded into her.

As the first pulse of cum shot through his cock, Pat could feel the swell of effort as it throbbed through his penis like a golf ball through a hose. When his hot cum splashed on her cervix, she could hold back no longer, and her orgasm rose from her depths like storm, wracking her body with pleasure, making her quiver like a tuning fork as Danni and Phoebe held them together, locked in their loving embraces. And she could feel the sudden release in her breasts as she spurted milk into the water as she shuddered again and again, moaning into the water.


The next morning the two pods were back in the chimney room, discussing what Michael's pod had seen. The men were erecting huts that were more permanent, and it seemed as though they were hunkering down for a long stay. Now the two pods were sitting around dejected. They only had a few knives for weapons, and despite being strong swimmers who could breath underwater; it had been a near miss for Michael and Gail to drag one of Alberto's men under the surf. Since the gang members never swam alone, and the captive teenagers were always guarded, they didn't know how they were going to change the balance of power.

But, it was later that morning when John, who had been out foraging for food, changed the dynamic of this cat and mouse game they were playing when he shot up out of the newly christened "Moon pool" and plopped next to Pat sitting at the edge of the pool.

"Look," he said calmly. "My hands are changing."

Pat looked at his hands and then at the silent friends and lovers that sat all around the pool. Everyone was looking at John's hands. The webbing had risen nearly to his fingernails, and his hands seemed larger. Pat rolled his hands in hers, comparing their webbing. She too had noticed the slightly accelerated speed at which this new development was occurring. She wondered if their activities last night had had any effect. Danni moved her own hands over to theirs before Pat could ask. Soon, everyone was holding his or her own hands out for comparison.

Petra, who spent less time in the water than anyone else, had the least amount of webbing. Pat and John, who had been under the effects of the goop the longest, were the most advanced. Danni was only slightly behind John and Pat, but Michael, Gail, and Phoebe, all of whom spent nearly all their time in the water, spying on Alberto and his men and collecting food for the others, were the same as Danni.

"Length of exposure to the goop and the types of behavior we engage in seem to influence what each of us are undergoing," she concluded.

"What does this mean?" asked Petra with a gulp.

"If we keep this up, this hiding and being in the water all the time," Pat said without emotion, "we will keep on changing into whatever this goop has in store for us."

"No, we won't," Phoebe said firmly.

"Why do you think that?" asked Pat with a raised eyebrow.

"Because, Petra didn't just change ... she made herself change into someone she wanted to become," she said. "Michael too! I'll be right back," she said as she dove into the pool and swam down one of the several tunnels that fed this central cavern.

"I don't want to become a fish," Petra said fearfully, "I just became a woman, and I don't want to change that."

"No one wants to become a fish," Pat said patiently, "But we are all becoming something."

"I'd like to see what Phoebe wants?" Gail said evenly. "I would rather try to actively influence our changes than simply wait for them happen while we hid here in these caves."

"I would too," said Michael, giving Gail's hand a squeeze.

Phoebe rushed back through the water, popped up and slid to a stop like a dolphin next to Pat.

"Here, look at these pictures," Phoebe said enthusiastically as she took the book out from the plastic bag she had sealed it within. "That's what I want to become."

The picture was the classic 19th century picture of the beautiful mermaid, gazing out to sea, wishing her sailor would return. Her golden tail curled beneath her, and her hourglass figure, even for the 19th century, was beautiful. Her long, curly, dark hair cascaded down her back. She was a beautiful creature. Her tail had two sets of fins at her pelvis and at mid-tail, while her flukes were wide and strong.

"See, it looks like these tails actually work, and they are still beautiful," Phoebe urged.

"Why not still keep our ability to walk?" asked Pat.

"Because," Gail said with new insight, "we can dominate and fully control one environment, the water, if we give ourselves the power to do so. We would have sea power; they would have land power. They have guns, which don't work underwater," she finished with a smile.

"I think they're just plain beautiful," Petra said. "I didn't want to be a fish, but I do want to be one of those."

"I still don't think we can do it," Pat said.

"I think we can," John said.

"What makes you say that?" Pat asked.

"You yourself didn't just change," John explained. "You changed into something close to my girlfriend in college, and your family doesn't have red hair or green eyes in their gene pool. You changed because that's what I wanted you to change into."

"Then the changes aren't random," Pat whispered, understanding. "We could do it."

"Great!" said Phoebe, "Just tell me what to do. I'll go first."

"How about you tell me," Pat said assuming her teaching voice, as Danni and the others rolled their eyes. "We have been working on ideas related to this issue for weeks."

"We have?" asked Phoebe, confused.

"Yes," Pat repeated. "And last night's activities might help you figure it out."

"Sex?" asked Phoebe.

"Yes," said Pat gently, "but more than that. What's happened to our bodies, especially when we have sex."

"We make goop," Phoebe exclaimed.

"Right," said Pat, "and?"

"Each of our bodies are producing goop in our bodily fluids," Phoebe continued. "In fact, the ratio of active agent to non-reactive agents in our breast milk, semen, and female ejaculate is increasing, so that even our minor scraps and cuts heal nearly instantly. What used to take several hours to heal is now healed in minutes," she finished with a smile at Michael and Gail who had needed healing only a few days ago.

"Right," Pat responded. "So, how could we compress this slow build up of active agents in our bodies so that we can "control" or "force" the change, as Petra, Michael, and apparently John did?"

"I thought I would have become a woman anyway," Petra interrupted. "I only imagined what kind of woman I might become."

"You wouldn't have become a woman if you had a bigger body mass than John, or if we had sent you off alone with girls who were willing to let you remain a man," Pat corrected. "In fact, your transition was much quicker than mine or Danni's, in part, I think, because you were becoming a specific woman, not just a woman."

"So, in order to become that mermaid, we should ingest as much milk and other bodily fluids as we can stand, and then try to "will" the change," Phoebe said. "Wow ... that might actually work."

"Are you sure this is what you want?" asked Petra. "What if it doesn't work?"

"We are changing anyway," Phoebe pointed out, indicating her own webbing. "This way, at least I'll be doing something about it. I have to at least try. I don't want to be an ugly, flesh colored fish."

"I think we should all participate," Michael said.

"What, all of us trying to change right now?" Petra asked.

"No, I think that both our combined fluids and our combined focus and energy might give Phoebe a better chance of controlling the results," he answered. "When I was changing into Michael, I could feel the energy from Danni and Phoebe. I could sense how they wanted me to change, what they wanted me to change into, and all that energy and focus seemed to make it actually possible."

"Michael's right," Pat said. "And this, our Home Cave, our Moon Pool, is the perfect spot to try. We can all easily fit into this pool, and if it works, Phoebe can easily reach any passageway for easy access to most of the other rooms in this network of caves and pools. Besides, it's the only pool with good light, and it will help her concentrate on what she is doing to herself."

"So, what should we do?" asked Gail.

"Everyone in the pool, and we can breathe through our gills," Pat said. "Then we can start feeding Phoebe."

"Wait," Gail said. "Phoebe, there is something I want you to add."

"What?" she asked.

"As you imagine the mermaid you will become, think of a barb in your tail, something like a sting ray, so that we have a weapon of the water," Gail said.

"That's a great idea," Pat added. "As you focus on your beautiful tail, think about how strong it is, and think about how warm you will be, even in deep water, and focus your thoughts on a barb that you can use to paralyze attackers."

"You mean, make it non-lethal?" asked Phoebe.

"Paralysis is lethal if the attacker isn't rescued," Gail said with a grim smile.

"Makes sense," Phoebe said. "I wouldn't want to kill every time I used it."

"Are you ready," asked Pat. She nodded. "Right, then everyone look at this picture again, and hold it firmly in your minds. You did want the purple or golden color?"

"Blue," Phoebe said, glancing again at the pictures. "To match my eyes. Let's do it." And then she dove head first into the water and settled a few meters below the surface.

"That may be the last time she's able to do that," John mused.

"It could be the last time any of us can," Pat said as she dove in headfirst as well.

They all settled at the middle of the pool, the dim light cascading down from the chimney high above. Phoebe swam towards Pat.

"You're the mother of us all, the first to be changed, and so you will be first here," she said. "Give me my tail," she whispered as she attached herself to Pat's breast and sucked.

Pat felt the familiar stirrings of warmth, and fullness spread to her breasts. Phoebe was forcefully pulling milk from her breast, and after a few minutes, switched quickly to the other. When that one was dry, she moved to Gail.

"You are the mother to the second pod," she said. "Will you be my second?"

Gail nodded.

"Then give me my tail," Phoebe intoned as she latched onto her breasts. This was Gail's first time as a feeder, and she was surprised by the tender and powerful feelings that Phoebe's suckling evoked. Even so, she only produced a little milk, and Phoebe soon emptied her. She next swam to Petra.

"Here, Phoebe," Petra said, lifting her breasts in the water. "Show us how it's done."

Phoebe smiled and said, "My sister-uncle, give me my tail," as she fell onto one of Petra's enormous breasts. Petra drew a sharp breath and exhaled sharply, moaning into the pool. It was her first time as a feeder as well, and the physiological triggers were much different than mere sex play. She knew that her breasts were pumping a fluid into Phoebe that would transform her forever, and such a thought was intoxicating. She stroked Phoebe's hair as she suckled at her large breast, and she could feel the milk streaming from her large nipples.

"It's a good thing we have gills," remarked Pat. "Otherwise Petra would drown us with her milk."

Petra merely smiled through heavily lidded eyes at Pat as Phoebe continued her feeding. Meanwhile, Gail and Pat shared a quick look, and floated down below the circle, under Phoebe's gently twirling legs. Together they reached up and began rubbing them lengthwise, Gail on her back side, Pat at the front. Phoebe moaned into Petra's breasts as the other girls stimulated her skin, helping her focus her building energies onto her lower body. She fixed in her mind, the beautiful and strong mermaid, tireless swimmer, able to withstand deep ocean pressures and cold temperatures, and who had a hidden secret at where her tail and her fluke met, the junction before it fanned out. Petra's breasts were indeed generous, and Phoebe could feel the energy building in her. She switched to Petra's other breast, and found fresh vigor in those streams. When Petra's massive breasts finally gave out, Phoebe reached for Michael, who was already stiff watching this erotic dance in the water before him.

"You took my virginity," Phoebe half sang, as though in a trance, "Now, take from me my legs." She swallowed him to the hilt. Within seconds, he was spurting great ropes of cum down her throat. The combination of Michael's salty cum with the girls' sweet milk sent Phoebe's head spinning. Pat and Gail were still rubbing her legs, which now began to feel very warm, and her pelvis began to twitch internally. Phoebe redoubled her focus on her vision of the mermaid she wanted to become, and reached for John.

"Come, brother-husband," Phoebe sang with a languid, trance-like passion, "give me my tail."

John's cock was nearly vibrating with need from watching this incredible sight of Phoebe practically glowing in the pool before him. She pulled him into her mouth, and immediately he was cuming. He roared into the water as his torso twisted and pushed great spurts of cum into the eager Phoebe. When he was spent, Phoebe twisted gracefully in the water to face Danni. Her skin was glowing; they could all see it. Her blonde hair floated like a halo, her eyes shone with an inner light.

"Come, my first feeder, my sister-wife," Phoebe sang into the water, her eyes drooping heavily, her entire body quivering with passion and the effort to control the powerful forces that now surged through her body. Her legs were beginning to stiffen, her toes together, pointing at the bottom of the pool. She could feel Pat and Gail rubbing them lightly, up and down, up and down. "Come, my first, be my last, and give me my tail."

Danni floated forward as in a trance; the entire pool was charged with passion and power. When Phoebe attached herself to her breast, Danni swooned with the power of the moment. She orgasmed violently, feeling her breasts and vagina swell and shoot milk and cum into the water, but Phoebe held on to her with both control and tenderness, drinking deep from Danni's breast. Pat and Gail started humming, and soon Petra and the boys joined in. Deep within her chest, Danni felt a sound rise and vibrate past her lips into the water. Phoebe, delirious with passion, felt Danni's chest vibrate as she suckled milk from her nipple. The milk came in great spurts, like cum from the boys, matching Danni's still rippling orgasms. Her other breast, the one Phoebe was not attached to, simply spurted milk into the water.

When Danni stopped shaking, Phoebe pulled back ... moaning. She stretched her arms out horizontally, even with the surface, while her toes were stiffly pointed towards the bottom, suspended in the middle of the circle, surrounded by her pods who were humming a low tone into the water while the last of Danni's milk swirled in the water around Phoebe. Pat and Gail drifted back up to their places in the circle, and they all watched, and waited.

Phoebe appeared to be frozen in the water, her skin rippling with the energies she had consumed. Under the surface of her skin, she could feel great tremors of movement and muscles, energy and electricity running throughout her body. For her, time seemed to stop completely. Her eyes were open but sightless, focused on her vision of the beautiful, powerful, mermaid. Her mouth hung open in the water, her hands were out thrust in the light, while her rigid legs pointed directly to the bottom. She could feel the others around her, supporting her, loving her. Still, the great waves of movement rippled through her body.

To the others, Phoebe seemed suspended, frozen in the water. They knew time was passing, but they kept their vigil, kept humming, in the dim light from the sun as it slowly passed through the sky. After several hours, Phoebe moaned loudly into the water as a slow-motion twitch rolled through her body, and then she resumed her quivering rigidity. A few more hours passed before they could see that nearly imperceptible changes had begun to occur.

Internally, Phoebe felt no time pass. She had felt a great urge to push, and she moaned loudly into the water as she pushed with her diaphragm. As though in a dream-like slow motion, she felt her womb spasm with the most intense pleasure she had ever known, then her legs knit themselves together into a single unit, thousands of nerves, blood vessels, and cells pulling apart and pushing together, waves and waves pulsing through her legs and lower torso. The she felt her still pulsing womb slowly sink down a few inches as her vagina and other internal parts also moved forward and down. She could feel her gills tingling, her breasts up thrust in the water, her hair flowing down her back, and she could feel the presence of the others, helping, guiding, loving.

A moment seemed to pass where she was calm, and then she felt the need to push again. She pushed, and this time felt the bones of her legs break and fuse, merging into a new structure, longer and fuller than it had been before. That hurt, but the power of the goop made it pass quickly, and she could feel new muscles snaking from the bottom of her tail up through her pelvis to anchor themselves both there and along her ribs and back. They felt like strands of thread as they twisted their way up through her upper body, while below her hips, in her tail, the same muscle felt like thick rope as it throbbed and grew.

Another moment, and then she felt another tremor, and knew that her feet had disappeared while two enormous flukes pushed out from her, while two side fins pushed out from her mid-tail, and two more at her hips, each about seven inches long and four inches wide. The tremendous energy that had coursed through her body's core seemed to be pushing its way outward, making her skin tingle and twitch. Still, her body was rigid, vibrating with power, held in place by the forces she had marshaled to this task. Suddenly, a hot tremor flashed up through her torso and flowed out through her arms. Then another one bubbled up from her belly, crawling up through her chest, her neck, her face, and then out her skull and up through her floating hair. Another "moment" passed, and then she shuddered throughout her entire body, and arched her entire body backwards in a great release of ecstasy. Her tail came back above her head as she curled backwards, and suddenly she could see it, see her tail, floating a foot above her head. It was beautiful, an iridescent blue, matching her eyes, and her scales and flukes flickering with light. And then, she straightened, free from the grip of the transformation.

It was nearly as good as an orgasm.


It took nearly twenty-four hours before Phoebe finally relaxed in the water before them. The entire day and night had passed as they watched her amazing transformation. For the longest time she had hung frozen before them, not moving, not even seeming to breathe. Then, her legs had fused together, slowly, steadily, for several hours. As the hours passed, her lower body lengthened and gained the proportions of a mermaid's tail, just shy of five feet in length from her hips to her flukes, making her over seven feet long from head to flukes. As the early morning progressed, her "scales" appeared, starting at her waist and crawling slowly down over her hips and pelvic flippers, then down to her tailfin. Finally, her hands grew webbing, a small sharp fin appeared at her elbow, and her hair grew another foot.

Pat knew that whatever "work" the goop was doing, it was doing it far quicker than it had before. Perhaps their bodies were producing different or more powerful enzymes and antibodies that broke down existing tissue and helped the body rebuild itself quicker than it had occurred with herself and the others who had radically changed, like Danni, Petra, and Michael. Pat also noticed that she didn't feel tired, despite the nearly constant humming they all had been doing, and that she felt strangely peaceful as Phoebe floated languidly in the pool, still giving off a faint luminescence. She was sure that their own bodies were already internally altered to give them this kind of stamina and energy.

Pat couldn't think about science any longer, however, as she simply looked at the new Phoebe. She was the most beautiful creature Pat had ever seen, and it made her heart ache with eager desire to think that soon she would join her in transformation. It almost seemed magical, which made her even more determined to know how it was actually being done.

The entire group floated wordlessly in the water admiring Phoebe's incredible beauty, her long and powerful tail that seemed to flash and glow in the pool, her delicately matching webbing in her fingers and fins at her elbows, now the same iridescent bright, blue. Her tail actually had many colors shimmering across its surface, but the sum of all the parts was a brilliant, sea blue. Her eyes had also changed, becoming more jewel like, still bright blue, making them seem otherworldly, almost hypnotic, and her white blonde hair was now at least four feet long. Her torso seemed even more delicate and feminine perched atop her strong, yet beautifully decorated tail. Her fins and flukes were edged with a series of feathery wisps of white that matched her long flowing hair, and along her dorsal ridge which now extended mid-way up her back like a widow's peak, a similar mane of white membrane fluttered in the water. Her waist was still narrow and her rib cage slender; her breasts were unchanged, though the sheen of her skin was different. She was no longer human.

Phoebe herself could feel dramatic changes in her body, too many to enumerate. She could see much more clearly than before, and could "sense" the electrical charges each of her mates made, each one identifiable without her having to turn her head. She could sense the shape and outline of the pool, and the tunnel of water that twisted and turned to the sea. She could sense a bit of the cliff wall, where the tunnel emerged about ten meters below the surface. She could feel some of these things with new organs that must be in her tail or elsewhere, and some senses that were simply her gills, eyes, and nose working more clearly and sharply than before. Most of all, she could feel her tail, the water moving over each area of it. Her scales where not fish-like but were more like skin, smooth and joined, more like a dolphin's skin, and equally sensitive to touch. She could feel where her hair had brushed what used to be the top of her ass, but now was the top of her tail. She flexed her flukes, and they spread out below her like a Chinese fan, sending sparkles of color in every direction. She smiled at Pat, a dazzling smile of straight, white teeth, with surprisingly sharp and prominent eyeteeth.

"Looks like the mermaid is armed with more than a barb," Pat observed.

"Oh, right, that," said Phoebe with a silvery clarity, showing off her new vocal production that carried much more clearly in the water. She curled her tail forward, her pelvis still able to bend easily, while her lower tail flexed in every direction. She held her flukes open before her face, and where her flukes and tail joined, she spotted the dark spot where her barb lay hidden. There was a pleasant stiffness in the sheath-coiled spring that would snap forth at her command. It made her feel powerful.

"Phoebe, your voice?" Pat asked. "No air came out your mouth."

"No, none did," Phoebe said, observing again that no air did.

"How are you doing that?" asked Pat.

"Ever the scientist, eh Pat," joked John as he gave her a hug. "Why don't we leave Phoebe some space to figure everything out before we start in on her."

"How long did it take me to change?" asked Phoebe worriedly.

"About a day, more or less," answered Pat.

"No time for questions," Phoebe said urgently. "We don't have time."

"What do you mean, Phoebe?" Gail asked.

"I don't know, but I sense that we must continue, here, now," Phoebe sang in her silvery new voice. "We must all eat, and then begin again."


By now, everyone had learned to trust the instincts they were feeling, and everyone swam up to the surface to gather food, and Phoebe discovered that she had quite a bit of mobility on dry land. She could flex her flukes and both sets of pelvic and mid-tail fins and, using all six points to bear her weight, "salamander" across dry land with ease and speed. Her fins seemed to easily support her weight, but she needed at least one hand for speedy locomotion, and using two was almost as fast as running. Her pelvis also flexed in both directions now, which explained why it hadn't disappeared like in other sea mammals. She discovered, for example, that she could keep her upper torso vertical while rolling her tail horizontally across the floor.

After everyone had eaten, they returned to the pool, this time with Gail at the center.

"I couldn't produce much milk for Phoebe," Gail explained, "and so I want to be more of a partner for everyone. I think if I change next, I'll produce better milk."

"You produce the only milk I ever want," Petra said with a passionate kiss. "You are my sister-wife, and don't you forget it."

As Gail tried to hide her own discomfort with such affection, everyone arranged themselves around her in the pool. Gail felt compelled to follow a similar format as Phoebe, addressing each of the pod members, starting with Michael and ending with Petra, asking them for her tail. When she got to Phoebe, everyone could sense that Phoebe's milk was even more potent than their own fluids, and even Gail gasped with the effort of holding onto that power before she finished with Petra, whose generous breasts had already shown their bounty. Petra, like Danni with Phoebe, was locked into a cycle of orgasms as Gail drank from her breast last, her untended breast spurting into the water as Michael and John stroked Gail's legs, helping her focus.

Gail was finished by the next morning, at least two hours earlier than Phoebe had finished. As she floated before the astonished group, she twirled on her flukes to give everyone a good view.

Gail's long body was now nearly nine feet long (nearly three meters), and her tail was a midnight blue, shimmering with hints of purple and deep blues. With her white skin, jet back hair, smoldering violet jewel-like eyes, and mid-night black webbing on her fingers and fins at her elbows, she was stunning. Unlike Phoebe's delicate white membranes along the edges of her fins, flukes, and dorsal ridge, Gail's fins all sported sharp points, and the outer ends of her flukes terminated in a dangerous looking barbs. Her dorsal ridge was a soft, black velvet membrane, however, and like Phoebe's, it also fluttered gently in the water. Her paralyzing barb rested in the same spot as Phoebe's, and she too had sharp eyeteeth. Her nails also looked dangerous, while Phoebe's had merely looked dramatic.

"I want to be able to fight, and to use the cover of darkness to sneak up on enemies," she explained. "The barbs on my fins and flukes are not toxic," she continued, "But you don't want to wrestle with me," she finished, flexing her arms so that her elbow fins slashed through the water.

"I'm next," said Michael with a fierce look at his lover and mate.


Pat shuddered and arched herself backward, her iridescent sea-green tail vibrating above her head. Her body convulsed with the same orgasmic like release experienced by everyone else. Then, when she relaxed, she found herself floating within the most beautiful circle of fish and flesh, even with her now enhanced eyes, that she had ever seen.

In the bright moonlight, she could see Gail shining a rich midnight blue with her rich black highlights, while Michael was magnificent in shiny, obsidian black, his fins, flukes, and dorsal membrane tinged with a whisper of silver. Michael, now over ten feet long, also had a dorsal fin that he could raise or lower like a fan, rising out of what used to be his ass, matching the two pelvic fins that hung from where his hips had been. John had one too, and Pat had surmised that the dramatically stronger swimming ability the men had, might necessitate the additional stability a dorsal fin might provide. Finishing out Michael's pod was Petra, luminous in rich, dark lavender with forest green highlights on her fins, flukes, and membrane.

Of her own pod, Phoebe was still the stunningly bright sea-blue and white combination, while Danni was a rich yellow gold, her fins, flukes, and dorsal membrane a rainbow of colors, mostly a pale blue, flashing in the light. Danni's eyes also changed, adding a multihued sparkle of many colors to her previously light blue eyes. John, her precious John, was a dark, steel-grey with blue and black highlights shot throughout, while his fins, flukes, and dorsal ridge flashed in the water like silver.

Pat relaxed and looked down at herself, feeling her yet again dramatically changed body. Her sea-green tail was tinged with pink highlights along her fins, flukes, and membrane, the occasional pale blue spot here and there. She savored the water in the pool that had been warmed by the five days they had spent together and the transformations each of them had undergone. She could now feel everyone's electrical field, sense the water's surface above her, the pool's bottom below her, and the various tunnels the stretched out around her.

She noted as her tail shimmered in the moonlight, that her own transformation only took about 12 hours. Each transformed mermaid or merman had added to the increasing potency of their fluids, making them more and more powerful. She could see pinks and blues mixed in with the dominate pale greens, her hair had also lightened, becoming more red, off-setting her bright green eyes. She flexed her flukes, feeling the power and strength of her amazing tail, searching for and finding the pleasant coiled stiffness of her barb, hidden at the base of her tail.

They had done it. They were all changed.

"We need to rest and recharge," she said in her silvery new voice. Even as she spoke for the first time, she was cataloguing the sensations that told her that she had a new membrane in her throat that captured an air pocket around her vocal chords while she was underwater, allowing her to speak into her own head as an amplifier and resonator.

"We can just sleep here," Gail offered. "The pool is big enough, and the morning light will wake us."

"Besides," Michael added. "The last of our food is here, and we have enough for one more meal."

Together they all swam for the surface, and as the others had discovered after their transformations, Pat thrilled to the power and control her tail gave her. She gave quick flick of her tail and launched herself into the air, clearing the surface of the water, and sailed onto the smooth cave floor. She slid to where they had stacked the last of their dried fruit, nuts, and fish, and ate ravenously.

"Yea, it made me hungry too," said John, as he "salamandered" up to her. Pat gave him a quick kiss and then returned to her fish.

Finally, when they finished eating and were all feeling the strain of all the efforts they had expended, they thought about where to sleep.

"I think we will be more comfortable in the water," Phoebe said, having been a mermaid longer than anyone else. "But we should probably stay here as we can sense any intruder long before they reach us, whereas in the open sea, we might get surprised."

"You have been paying attention," Pat said, giving her sister-wife a chuck on her shoulder. "And all this time I thought all you wanted to do is play with dolphins."

"Now I can REALLY play with the dolphins," she said as she flipped backwards into the pool with a splash.

"We all can, now," Petra said as she slid more gracefully into the water.

"Shall we?" John asked with mock politeness.

"We shall," Pat said grinning as the two of them salamandered to the pool, and slipped headfirst into the water.


They found that their new bodies had a neutral buoyancy that allowed them to float about five meters below the surface with no effort, and that they floated tail down. John and his girls drifted to one side of the pool while Michael and his went to the opposite side.

At first, they all just floated near one another, but one by one, each girl wrapped herself around John or Michael. Pat was first, leaning her head under John's chin, and resting her palm on his broad chest. She twisted her tail around his, laying her flukes on the back of his still broad tail, nearly two feet above his one flukes. Then Danni snuggled onto John's left shoulder, her tail entwined with his and Pat's, and finally Phoebe snuggled on to his right shoulder, her tail lying over the top of everyone else's.

John cocked an eye open and saw Gail and Petra similarly wrapped around Michael. He thought he could see them moving against one another, when he felt a twinge in his tail. No ... it couldn't be ... after five straight days awake, humming and feeding and changing?

When John had finished his transformation, he knew that he still had a cock, and that it had grown yet again. Michael's modest cock as a man had grown to nearly a foot long as a merman. When John gave Pat her last feeding, before she transformed (his first as a merman), he had discovered that he had to perform a quick tug on a new muscle to open a vent in his tail >from which his penis emerged. That first time he had nearly doubled over in pain because he didn't open the vent until the last possible minute, and his rising cock had begun to hurt, trapped as it was inside him. His new cock was nearly 14 inches long, throbbing and pulsing. Pat had only been able to take a few inches into her mouth, but that was enough. When he came, mere seconds later, the orgasm seemed to start deep in his tail, and he could feel his semen rising from at least half way down. The increased distance had translated into increased pleasure, as far as he could tell, and a dramatically increased volume. He had enjoyed the feelings of stiffness that extended a good foot down into his tail, the throbbing blood engorged roots of his new penis.

Now, with these three beautiful sister-wives all lovingly attached to him, with their flukes all stroking his tail just below where his testes probably were now lodged, he could feel the blood flow to his long and thick penis. It didn't help when he felt Pat's hand curl into a rake and begin to stroke his chest. He knew they should rest, but he couldn't help himself. He opened his vent before it became painful.

Pat was enjoying the warmth of her husband-lover, feeling his heartbeat with her cheek and hand, and the warmth of their entwined tails sliding against one another's. She loved the feelings of Danni's and Phoebe's breasts as they brushed her elbow fins or pushed up against her own bulging breasts she was trying to grind into John's chest. She recognized the signs of arousal quickly, having watched each new transformed mermaid become aroused as the next transformee fed from her breasts. Like the others had during the various transformations, Pat's own breasts had visually swelled, filling with milk, pressing more firmly into John's chest, while her now hidden lips within her tail swelled with blood, forcing a small opening to appear in her tail just below her pelvis. Her gills stiffened, gathering oxygen in preparation for the efforts of making love, which added to the sexual tension she was feeling. She knew without looking that her flukes had spread out, like a peacock's tail, and were now quivering with sexual need. The first time she saw Phoebe's tail quiver while she was feeding Gail, she wanted to know what that felt like.

Now she did.

She gently curled her fingers and raked John's beautiful chest with her sharp nails. Ah ... that did trick, she thought. John opened his vent, and his cock poked her in the tail. It felt hot, warmer than anything else she was pressing against. Before he could protest, and using the combined anchors of her sister-wives tail's surrounding her own, she maneuvered herself in front of his cock, and slowly eased it into her now transformed vagina.

She had to stifle a moan, as she didn't want to attract attention from Michael' pod, but she need not have worried. If she had looked, she would have seen that Gail had already beaten her by a half second. She raised her head and gazed into John's steel grey eyes, flecked with flashes of silver, and kept up the steady pressure that was putting inch after inch of his cock into her. She felt Danni and Phoebe's hands stroke her sides, fins, and breasts, and she turned to see each of them smiling at her with love.

Pat felt John's cock begin to vibrate and saw that Danni's eyes had also widened with surprise, then lidded over with pleasure as she softly moaned. Pat turned and watched as Phoebe did the same thing, and then looked down to where her own body had nearly swallowed John's enormous and now vibrating cock. Because there was still about two inches to go, she could see that John's pelvic fins were fluttering, vibrating as his cock was inside her, but that the tip of his fins were now pressed to the girl's vents, and were rubbing their clits.

"I'm not doing that on purpose," John whispered in awe.

"I'm not complaining," whispered Pat as she pushed hard against him and buried the last two inches inside her. Both girls on either side nodded in wordless agreement, too overcome with lust to speak.

The moment their genitals made contact, Pat could feel her newly positioned clit vibrate with pleasure, and she knew why Danni and Phoebe were having nearly as good a time as she was. Still, she was the one with John's penis buried deep within body, and so she began to move her velvet grip back and forth along his great length. All four of their flukes were now vibrating, casting shimmering reflections of moonlight all around them. The gentle motions of their tails combined with the fluttering dorsal membranes caused their tangled, tower of passion to twirl slowly in the water.

Pat was dimly aware of Petra, Gail, and Michael locked in a similar embrace, and once or twice she saw them when the gentle spinning caused by their entwined, vibrating tails brought the other group into her field of vision. She could also sense their altered electrical fields, and that added to the incredible feelings of sensuality she was experiencing. She kept up her gentle stroking, feeling the great bulbous head of John's cock reach nearly to her diaphragm, filling her completely, stretching her. As her passion built, her strokes became shorter, more urgent. On her left, Danni gripped her arm with one hand and John's shoulder with the other has she pressed her sex onto John's vibrating fin. Danni's bright eyes were shinning with love when they rolled suddenly in her head, and a great orgasm tore through her body. Her breasts spurted milk into the water as her entire tail quivered and shook. Phoebe joined her quickly, her breasts spurting milk as she squealed in passion, her tail compressing over Pat's and Danni's onto John's.

"I love you," Pat whispered to all three of them. Her pelvis was now slamming only the last two inches of John's cock in and out, pounding with increasing need against his body, pushing her aching clit against the ridges at the top of John's vent. Pat reached both arms around her lover, and ground her sex against his, feeling his massive penis as it rotated deep within her, and then the floodgates opened.

With her tail for leverage, she leaned her upper body backwards, pressing her pelvis to his, while her breasts released her milk into the water in great streams, showering all of them in a white cloud that formed around all four of them. Her womb clamped down on John's cock, bringing him to his orgasm, and she could feel the great spurts of cum as they rose from mid-way up his tail, pulsing just below the surface of his scales where their two tails were pressed together, rising up through his long cock, and erupting deep inside her. Her orgasm rippled through her anew with each pulse from John's cock, and both Phoebe and Danni erupted in second orgasms of their own. Again, and again, Pat's torso jerked and trembled as her new "mermaid's" womb clenched in pure ecstasy.

Just before she fell asleep, with John's slowly softening cock lodged inside her, she happily noted that a mist of white also obscured the other pod from view.
