Strangeness at Fellows - Part 3

by: Nick B 
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Rating: R Add Review    Added: 05/10/2007
Complete: no 
Synopsis:enis has just made a rather startling discovery and is not sure what to make of things. Plus the business with the robbery is not over yet...
Categories: Crossdressing / TV  Magical Transformations  Stuck 

Part III


Denis walked Stephanie back to her place, which wasn't that far from the restaurant. He wasn't sure how much he should tell her about how this came to be, if anything. As a result, they drifted along in silence until Stephanie broke it.

"You're very quiet."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Today's been a real eye-opener one way or another and being arrested wasn't really top of my list of things to do."

"I can imagine."

"I'm not sure you can. The arrest was by far the least traumatic of the events."

"It hasn't been all bad has it?"

"No. I met someone really special today." Immediately he let that part slip, he regretted it. He knew that if a woman had said that to a man, that man wouldn't stop running until well after he'd passed the international date-line and possibly a couple of oceans too. "I mean, I think you're a really nice person and if I ever needed a friend it's now."

"You already see me as a friend?"

"I hope so. I know we've only known one another for five minutes, but I really enjoy your company. I would like to think that this isn't just a flash in the pan. I hope you don't think I'm being too forward."

"Not at all." she said, giving his arm a squeeze. "I quite like the idea. Anyway, this is me."

They stood at the end of the path and Denis didn't know whether he was supposed to broach the subject of coffee or even if he wanted to put either of them in that position. In truth, he felt he just wanted to go home.

Stephanie took the lead and gave him a hug, no kiss, just a hug.

Denis felt that he got more than he deserved as he already felt as though he should have told Stephanie that he wasn't what he appeared and all the way home, he gave himself a good talking to about it.

"You should have said something," he muttered.

"What and frighten her off?"

"Better she knew from the beginning than to scare her away for good by telling her later."

"Are you alright, Miss?" said another voice.

Denis stopped, thinking, "What now?" and turned towards the source of the voice.

"Fine, thank you," he said to the owner of the voice who had pulled up to the kerb in his car.

"Can I give you a lift somewhere?"

"Er, no thanks. It's nice of you to offer, but I really haven't that far to go and well, you know about talking to strangers."

"So you think I'm strange?" said the voices owner with something of an edge to it. Denis couldn't see the owner of the voice particularly well and suddenly didn't feel as safe as he had.

"I didn't say that. I don't know you and you don't know me. That makes us strangers and I'm sorry if you feel I'm being rude in not accepting your fine offer, but I think I need to walk."

"Well fuck you, bitch!"

Denis blinked and watched as the man drove off. For the first time in his life, he felt the man's stinging words hit a point in Denis's brain that started tears welling up in his eyes. The sniffles followed as his eyes ran with tears and he found himself running as far as he was able in the shoes he was wearing to get home.

He managed to open and then almost slamming it leant against the closed door sobbing like a schoolgirl and slowly slid downwards until he was sitting on the floor.


"I never asked for this," he wailed.

It was an unreal feeling for him. Not only was he not a particularly emotional sort, he'd never felt such an outpouring of emotion since he was a child and even then, it was generally only temper tantrums that produced such tears.

Picking himself up, he went to the bathroom to strip for bed.

His plan had been to go home and dress en-femme. Then he was going to spend time ogling his reflection in the mirror, but right then and there, he felt like shit.

He blew his nose and looked in the mirror above the basin.

His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was a complete mess.

He picked up a brush and began pulling it through the masses of hair he now had and began to relax. The more he pulled his brush through, the more relaxed he became and soon, all traces of having blubbed and sniffled, had gone.

He took off the dress and stared open-mouthed in the mirror at the person he had now become, though how was something he just couldn't fathom.

Before him was a woman slightly taller than average with all the attributes to go with it; the waist, hips, breasts and just visible through the translucent material of the thong, the lips of very real female genitalia.

He trembled slightly as he reached between his legs to touch and gasped as what he felt was as real as what he saw. He removed his bra and watched as his breasts stood from his chest each surmounted by a dark, pink nipple just as the woman's in the shop had and gently, he brushed his hands across with a shiver of excitement.

He slipped his thumbs into the waist of the thong and slid it down his legs to his knees whereupon gravity took over and they dropped the rest of the way on their own. He stepped out and stood back a short way from the mirror, drinking in the vision before him.

"I certainly got the lot here," he said smiling, despite the fact he had just spent better part of forty minutes solid, crying his eyes out. "Not bad."

After a shower and a quick cup of coffee, he went to bed, though he was still perturbed by just how this had all come about.


The next morning Denis awoke and stretched. Once again he had slept the whole night and had not been troubled by dreams at all, which is not to say he didn't dream, but the dream he did have wasn't about him. No, this very pleasant dream was about Stephanie.

He still had a smile on his face too, which was a first. That was until he went to get out of bed and realised that the events of the day before had not been part of the dream. They had been real.

His hands went automatically to his breasts and he realised that all of it had been real. In fact, the only thing that hadn't been was the dream he had just woken from. In the short time he took to consider this, the memory of whatever he and Stephanie had been doing had, thanks to his shock of realising that yes, he was a she, vanished.

"So I really am Denise," he said finally. "Jesus, what am I going to do?"

Still where she had dropped it the night before, was the bag with Denis's suit trousers, his shoes, two packs of stockings, two clear silicone 'blobs' and a pair of high heels. There was no more underwear, no more clothes. It was either the dress, stockings and maybe she could wash out the thong for today as well, but somehow, it didn't seem right.

She needed some everyday wear; jeans, t-shirts and all those things women need that men seem to be able to do without. She needed a coat, trainers, sensible shoes, tights, panties and more bras. God, would the list ever end?

She needed help.

She thought about work and the people there. Maybe they'd be able to help, but then, who'd believe her?

The major thing about work was she was not going to be able to go in. That's all there was to it. Getting picked up by the law the day before was one thing, as the copper had no idea who she was, but going in today meant facing the girls and as Denise, she really didn't have the nerve.

She thought about other people who might be able to help, but aside from work, there wasn't anyone. Denis had been the personification of the expression "you need to get out more" and besides, who would recognise him now?

There was always Stephanie.

"No," she said firmly.

"And why not?" she asked.

"Because," she replied, balling her fists and coming very close to a scream.

"Because why?"

"Because I don't know her that well and I don't know whether I can face telling a near stranger all this stuff about me."

"That wasn't so difficult was it?"

"Oh shut up!"

Denise went to the phone and picked up the receiver.

"Oooooooohhhhhhh!" she growled and slammed it back down again.

Denise padded about, the scowl on her face getting more and more intense.

"More coffee!" she said.

She opened the fridge for the milk and realised that she had used the last for the last cup she'd knocked back.

"Aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh!" she screamed and went to the bedroom.

It was no good. She was going to have to go shopping at least, but first she had to wash out her smalls (which were scandalously small too) and then phone in to work and at let them know that she, or rather Denis wasn't going to be present.


Somewhere else, someone was not impressed by the complete incompetence of a certain three guys.

"You told me they knew what they were doing."

"Who told them they could take what they wanted then?" said the person on the other end of the line.

There was a momentary pause.

"Well they cocked it up big time. What if this gets back to me?"

"I told you, relax. There is nothing to link them to you, leastwise nothing that we can't handle."

"We? What do you mean 'we'? This was all your doing and if the shit hits the fan, guess who it's going to spray?"

"Ah yes, good point. I'll deal with it at once."

"You do that and find out who blew the whistle. Make damn sure they don't blow any more. Is that clear?"



If you have ever tried doing anything in a hurry, you will be the first to realise that a) more haste means less speed and it invariably takes longer than you thought it would and b) in the case of Denise's thong, it won't dry that way - i.e., quickly. Our hero-cum-heroine hasn't figured that one out yet, though she is about to...

Denise breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that Fellows was shut due to the break in and what later transpired to be an arson attempt.

"So it was an insurance job then, was it? Burn the place down and claim a fortune. I wonder if they've found out that old man Smart is behind it?"

Half an hour went past and about every forty-five seconds, Denise checked to see if her 'small-bordering-on-not-worth-bothering-withs' were dry and each time she checked, they seemed just as wet as they were before.

"Oh come on!" she cried. "There's less of you than is reasonable and still you seem to take a month of Sunday's to dry."

She spent the next several minutes plodding round from one room to another and back like a fart in a trance before taking another look.

"It's no good. I'll just have to put them on damp."

She turned them the right way out and stepped into the tiny briefs.

Pulling them up she realised that may have been a mistake she wouldn't make again in a hurry.

"Eeeeeeeyeeeewwwwww!" she cringed, feeling the cold dampness around her tender bits. "That's gross!"

After a few moments of walking around like she'd just spent ten years in the saddle, she kind of got used to it and was able to go about her business (though still with the occasional grimace).

Dressed as she was, she attracted attention. Most of it was good, some of it wasn't, but by the time she'd walked to the shops, she was getting more acclimatised.

"It's no wonder," she thought. "Women get pissed-off with being ogled."

The food shopping over and done with, she started to walk back and was looking in the windows of other shops as she did. Old habits being hard to break, she found looking difficult to begin with, but she knew that she needed more stuff. New panties, new tights or stockings: new everything.

She knew that Denis wasn't exactly a fashion victim, but then he didn't have much to be a victim for. Perhaps if he had, his life wouldn't have been so boring. The one thing that she was looking forward to above all others was a pair of snug-fitting jeans, the sort that showed off the figure.

She stopped at one of the shops and looked in the window.

"Hello," said a voice. She looked round and Stephanie was there.

"Hi!" said Denise, wanting to throw her arms round her and hug her tight, just for being there. It was or rather wasn't necessarily because she fancied Stephanie something rotten although that was true, but because Stephanie was an ally; someone she knew so she didn't have to go about this whole thing alone. She already felt that she'd been dropped in the deep end anyway. "Fancy giving me a hand finding some new clothes?"

"What's in it for me?" she answered with nothing short of a mischievous look on her impish face.


"We did that last night."

"Not at my place we didn't. "

Stephanie's face wasn't exactly the picture of excitement. "Alright, what about we go out, have a few drinks and then get dinner."

That got the smile back on Stephanie's face.


After about three hours and six shops (it was only a quick shop for a few things), the two women headed back each carrying at least six bags apiece. Denise had even treated Stephanie to something, which went down rather well.

"Excuse the mess," said Denise. "It's the maid's day off."

"Mess? What mess. My bathroom has more mess than this whole place."

"Yeah well, my mother always said not to trust anyone who leaves their underwear on the floor for more than three days. I didn't want to be labelled as one of those," she answered with a broad grin.

What she failed to mention was that prior to this shopping expedition, she only had the one pair of panties anyway, which she was wearing and also failed to mention that Denis was anally compulsive about cleanliness; something she seemed to be losing her grasp of since last night's bag was still where she left it.

They drank coffee, which Denise was absolutely gasping for, not having had one since well before she left to go shopping and sat at the kitchen table.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon," said Denise.

"No, neither did I. You don't mind do you?"

"No, not at all. In fact I wondered if you'd heard anything about what's going down at Fellows. All I know is that it was closed today because of what happened yesterday."

"Well, they found some incendiary devices - home made of course - in the van along with a whole load of electrical goods, just as you said, but we haven't been able to fathom out why."

"I think I can help, but needless to say, I can't verify any of it. You might just want to drop a hint."

"Go on."

"Well, I overheard one of them going on about old man Smart wanting them out of there as quickly as possible."

"Smart? Who's he?"

"If it's who I think it is, then it's the owner."

"You think it's an insurance job then?"

"I don't know. It's just what I heard, but it does sound that way." said Denise, knocking back the last of her coffee. "But hey, this isn't the time to be talking shop. We've got to get ready." and with that, she hustled Stephanie to the door.

"I'll be round for you between seven thirty and eight then."

"I'll be waiting." said Stephanie who leant forward and gave Denise a quick and very chaste kiss.

Denise was shocked and her eyes went very wide, as she stood holding the door open and watching her friend disappear.

"Well don't just stand there you dummy. Get ready!" called Steph between giggles.


Denise fussed in the bath, fussed out of the bath and then fussed some more. She had earlier complained about not having clothes and now she had more than she'd ever had. She had T-shirts by the half dozen, slinky bras, work bras, slinky panties and work panties, more thongs, jeans, skirts and Lord alone knew what else.

It had cost a small fortune and she couldn't have cared less.

By the appointed time, she was ready in her new tight jeans and an equally tight t-shirt, some surprisingly comfortable mules and her hair bungeed back in a ponytail. It only took a few minutes before she was waiting with her new leather blouson over her knees for the taxi to take her to Stephanie's place.

Knocking on the door she heard a faint voice shouting "just a minute" and she knew that Stephanie wasn't ready. This was something that was going to happen to her too. Whether it happened sooner or later, didn't matter. It would happen, just like it did with every other woman Denis had ever come into contact with.

The door opened and there she stood.

She fairly took Denise's breath away.

"God! You look awesome!"

"Why thank you!" gushed Stephanie and curtseyed low, ushering her friend in.

"Thank you!" said Denise, inclining her head politely and walking into the hallway in a stately fashion, whereupon, both of them erupted into fits of giggles.

"You're not wearing makeup?" asked Stephanie. Denise shrugged and looked guilty. "Well we can soon fix that."

Stephanie dragged Denise into the bedroom where powders, tubes, bottles and practically the rest of a pharmaceutical dispensary appeared from drawers, shelves and bags.

"Sit!" Stephanie ordered and Denise did just as she was told.

To rather tuneless humming and a look of intense concentration, Stephanie fussed about in a veritable blur of bits of this a smidge of that and presto!

Denise looked in the mirror, stunned into absolute silence.


"I-I-I... It's amazing! Thank you soooo much." she said nearly bursting into tears. "I had no idea I could look like that."

"Hey, hey! No blubbing, you'll ruin the look." admonished Stephanie and with a great deal of effort, Denise brought herself back under control and even laughed. "See? So much better."

It took probably best part of another half an hour before Stephanie was completely ready and when she was, the two of them looked at themselves and each other, stood side by side in front of the mirror.

"Ready to knock 'em dead?" Stephanie asked.

"I think so," said Denise, less enthusiastically, but nevertheless game and off they went.


The pub Stephanie led them to, hummed with the usual noise and expectations of a Friday night. People stood, sat, laughed and drank in about equal quantities. Denise suddenly felt very conspicuous and apprehensive.

It seemed so simple to offer a night out earlier in the day in the anonymous shopping centre of town, but here in the confines of a pub where she only knew one person, well that was something else altogether. Let's face it, she didn't know Stephanie that well and had no real idea of what to expect.

It wasn't long before she was confronted with something else she wasn't used to - alcohol.

She was just about used to a glass of wine or two with a dinner, but she had had nothing but coffee throughout the day and when Stephanie handed her a drink, the feeling of apprehension rose.

"What's this?"

"Malibu and pineapple with ice," was the simple reply over the general hubbub. Denise took a small sip.

"Wow! That's really nice."

"I know. I drink it all the time."

By the third, Denise was definitely a few degrees more mellow than hitherto and she wondered what her problem had been. Everyone seemed so friendly, like one big, happy family.

Next thing she knew, Stephanie was back, her arm wrapped around some big guy with a stubble-covered face and tattoos.

"Hey Denise. This is Paul."

"Pleased to meet you." said Denise, her eyes turning green. It seemed that Stephanie's idea of going out together didn't seem to have the same meaning as hers and this bloke was not something Denise had bargained for - at all!

"You don't mind if we skip dinner do you?" said Stephanie, hanging off the arm of the big man. "Paul wants to take me to a club."

In her semi-drunken state, Denise tried to reason this one out. There was supposed to have been a few drinks and dinner involved here wasn't there? Now it seemed that some big lug with half of a book of 'cartoonery' on his arms (and who knew where else) was more preferable.

Did it matter if she minded or not?

No. Apparently not.

What mattered was she was being denied her night out with her friend who even after such a short time was already on her mind more often than not and it was about the fact that her friend evidently did not share those feelings.

"No I don't mind. You go and have fun." Stephanie shot her a look that Denise couldn't quite fathom, but it looked as though she was a bit shocked or hurt or both. Perhaps it didn't come out sounding the way Denise had thought it would. "It's okay. I think I'm going to go home anyway. I haven't eaten anything and feel a bit queasy - those Malibu's went down a bit quickly - (Hic!)"

Stephanie's face softened slightly, but still there was something there that Denise could see, that was suspicious.

For the second time in as many days, Denise sat on the floor against her door after a traumatic walk home, sobbing.

This time when she looked in the mirror, she looked like a bloody panda.

Makeup had run down her face, leaving black trails over her cheeks. She couldn't help laughing, since it must have got progressively worse as she'd made her way from the pub.

"The things we do for love," she said ruefully and then broke up laughing at the incongruity of it all.


Meanwhile, Stephanie and her 'new friend' were sitting in his car round the corner from Club Nero.

"So that's her is it?"

"That's her."

"How much does she know?"

"Not much. She's just speculating really. She overheard something about someone called Smart and well, she's basically clutching at straws."

"That's enough though. You know what to do."

"But Paul; she doesn't know anything. She just thinks it was a heist that went wrong."

"We can't take that chance. Don't let me down Stephanie or you know what'll happen," he said with a definite note of finality. She got out of the car and as soon as the door was closed, Paul pulled away and disappeared into the distance.

"Hi Steph," said Joe, a bouncer outside of the club.

"Hey Joe," she said, putting on a smile and walking in.


A couple of hours later Stephanie was standing outside a familiar door.

"Please be up," she muttered. "Please be up." She bashed on the door.

No answer.

She bashed again, a little harder, then lifted the letter flap and called through the door.

"Denise? Denise? Open up, this is important."

A few moments later, a very sleep-worn Denise wobbled towards the door.

"What?" she asked a bit curtly. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry to wake you. Can I come in?" Stephanie asked. Wordlessly, Denise opened the door further and stood aside as Stephanie walked in.

They sat in the kitchen and it was obvious that Denise had been crying.

"What happened?" Stephanie asked with genuine concern.

"It's nothing. There are just a few things I'm not really used to is all." Stephanie didn't pretend to know what she meant and took a deep breath before taking her hand and launching into what had happened.

"I don't know what you've got yourself into, but it seems to be pretty big."

"You have no idea," she replied, rubbing sleep and makeup remnants from her eyes.

"I've got some cream in my bag that'll get that off," said Stephanie helpfully and started to rummage around in her handbag.

"Thanks. Look, I was asleep before you came and I still have a head full of cotton wool. Can you wait to tell me until after some coffee perhaps?" she asked, filling the coffee machine and then grabbing a sheet of tissue to wipe the crud off her face.

"I could murder a cup," she replied then realising what she'd said, giggled.



Denise screwed her face up, having no idea what was going on. She didn't know whether it was her semi-conscious state, but she thought she detected more than a little nervousness on Stephanie's part; the fast talking, changing the subject, fidgeting. She figured it was to do with the fact that Steph felt guilty for having left her on her own in the pub.

Stephanie was equally unaware of Denise's situation; the whole, "having only been a female for two days and not being used to the pub scene anyway" thing, least of all from a woman's perspective. She wasn't to know what kind of a pickle Denise was in, how she felt and how she wasn't even being given any time to get used to being "Denise" instead of Denis.

In due course, two cups of coffee were prepared and placed on the table. Denise asked Stephanie to start from the beginning.

"You're in pretty deep," she said taking another deep breath and looking distinctly uncomfortable. "I don't know all the facts, but I do know that you're not safe here."

Well that was a bit of a revelation.

Stephanie worked for the police and surely, if they had got wind of anything nefarious with regards to her situation, they'd have informed her wouldn't they?

"So what makes you think I'm not safe?"

"I heard it on the grapevine. Well more precisely, one of the bouncers heard that whoever was behind this was trying to tie up lose ends and didn't want to take the chance that you knew about their plan."

"I must go to the police."

"You can't!" said Stephanie jumping up and nearly knocking their coffees over. "Anyway, there's no time."