Captian FeatherSword II
by: Belle Starr 
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Rating: G Add Review    Added: 06/12/2007
Complete: yes 
Synopsis:Ed gets a shot at his old life. Does he pass his test?
Categories: Bad Boy to Good Girl  Bill Hart's Spells R Us Universe  Caught with Consequences  Deals, Bets or Dares  Humor  Magical Transformations  Workplace Situations 
Keywords: Autobiographical 

Captian FeatherSword II.

I am penning this tale after the begging of some coworkers.

Nancy gets a shot to return to her past life.

Hello everyone. My name is Nancy Boyd. I was just finishing up my shift at Java Joe's Coffee Shop. Just before I was about to leave, a man walked in wearing an ill fitting grey suit. The suit looked a few sizes too big for him. He ordered coffee and pie. After he ate the the pie and drinking his coffee, he said, "Nancy, I will walk you home. I know you have no car and the hour is late."

I asked, "Now good sir, why should I trust you?"

He said flat out, "I am a wizard from Spells R Us. I know of your full past Nancy."

I thought for a short time.Then I said, "That still brings me back to my question of how can I trust you ? From what I learned about Spells R Us, is that most of you wizards are practial jokers both on your fellow wizards and us normal people. There are times it looked like you didnt care who got hit with your jokes."

He said, "That maybe true. However there is somethings we should talk about in private."

I did agree and we were back at my place in a wink of an eye.

He said, "First of all, I am not going to tell you my name or explain in detail Spells R US. That will be too hard for most people. You may address me as Dr. Wizard. I am not the one who you knew as Mr. Wizard. He was right about the use of Normal Human clothing. Grey is a better color. So is a light blue. Your thoughts of the clothing be better fitting also helps. It is easier to do field work when you blend in and not stand out."

I did ask, "So how does that effect me?"

Dr. Wizard said, "I have a test for you. Pass it and you can pick your path. Fail it and you will stay on the path that you are now on."

Dr. Wizard had stroked my curiosity. I asked, "So what is your test and when does it start?"

Dr. Wizard said, "It starts in the morning. Then you will be returned to your old form and make men heros."

I was excited. I get to be Captian FeatherSword again and to train others to aid me in the fiight of truth, justice, and the Amercian way. Yea for the good guys!

In the morning I woke up and saw both Dr. and Mr. Wizard in my living room. I said, "Good morning gentlemen. May I ask why the both of you are here?"

Mr. Wizard said, "It is part of our code of ethics. No employee of Spells R Us may work on any other emploee's subject without permisson the Head Wizard or the emploee who worked on the subject. Violators will be dealt with by the Head Wizard. So far there has been no repeat offenders."

Dr.Wizard said, "The Training Wizard didnot like Mr. Wizard's way of dealing with your problem. I was tasked to correct it. The Training Wizard did clear this with the Head Wizard."

I asked, "So when do I begin?"

Mr. Wizard said, "Now. You will return to your old form minus your Capt. FeatherSword out fit. After that you have three weeks to setup your base of operation. You will have funds put into your bank account so you may make any needed purchases. If in that time we feel that you have not performed in the proper manner, you will go back to waiting on tables."

I felt a warm glow all around me. When it stopped, I looked into the mirror. I was Ed again. I went to my closet to put on more approbate clothing. The Wizards gave me some male clothing and most of it was in good taste. I was in black slacks, light blue polo shirt and dress shoes. Then I picked up a copy of the newspaper and went to the classified ads to check the real estate listings.

I found what I was looking for. It was an four story building with a * Widow's Walk on the roof. It had plenty of parking and it was down town. The first level had a large garage that would also allow for deliveries. The price was right and I bought it on the spot. The Widow's Walk was tobe used as a watch tower. The fourth level I decided to make it a living area. It would also have a sickbay. The third story would be a library and computer center. The library would have law and medical texts in it. There would be other texts and films as well. The second level would used for both physical and mental training. A large gym that had swiming pool, weight machines, training tools, and series of class rooms. I was going to go with a sound mind and body view. The first level was to be used as an office level. Except for a few office spaces, The whole place would be off limits to any who was not of my band of heros. I had placed orders for all the equipment. They could be here in eighteen days and the place could be up and running by the dead line.

Next problem was manpower. I was running ads in the local paper for both instructors and recruits. With the exception of a few Sci Fi fans and crack pots, I had no takers.

Just then in walked an old man. He said, "My name is Tom Edison. I am a security instructor. I maybe of some help. I can teach your people to be properly licensed guards."

I thought for a short time. While this was not what I was looking for, at least it was sincere. I said, "Please leave your resume and I will call you in three days or less."

Just as Tom was about to leave, in walked the Wizards. Dr. Wizard said, "Mr. Edison if you dont mind, we must speak to Ed alone. Please wait in the breakroom. We have read your resume and like it. You willbe in charge of security here at an up to date, high rehab center for Veterans of this war."

Ed left and Mr. Wizard said, "Ed you have failed. We wanted for you make men heros. You wanted to do your Capt FeatherSword act again and get others to do so. That would make them Vigilantes. That would make them Outlawsand not Heros. Despite the origin of the term, a Vigilante is an Outlaw. We did this test before and that person passed. Today he has just bought out that coffee shop youwork at. He is going to join to his deli. You will work at both Hogan's Deli and Java Joe's coffee shop as Nancy Boyd. You will make men heros."

I was returned to my role as Nancy and reported to work that day at Hogan's Deli and Coffee Shop. Just as I got started to work, in walked a crew of furnance operators at the foundry where I worked in old life. Dr. Wizard looked like he was reading a pocket note book. In truth it was a scanner. He said, "Ah! I see this bunch is like us in one way. They love to prank. Today they did a week's work and got a fat bonus. They want to party. Nancy, you serve them all the heros they can eat as well as all the beer they handle on us. Bob Hogan wont mind. The D Crew wont harm you. Most of them are married. The two who are not, are in major relationships. They will flirt and so will you for the tips. We will leave now, but we will be back to test you again."

I thought, "Oh no, stuck again."

Thats all folks, for now. Who knows FeatherSword 3 maybe come out.

* Widow's Walk. A walk way with a railing on the roofs of some houses. Common in coastal towns on the East Coast. The term is apt. The wife of a ship's Captian or Officer would watch for her man to come home from the sea. Today they are enclosed.