A New Life

by: Bythe Spirit 
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Rating: G Add Review    Added: 04/20/2007
Complete: no 
Synopsis:In the 22nd Century a new world order with a totally different social mores now exists. Joseph is one such child of this new social order. Follow him as he makes that sublime transition from him to her!
Categories: Crossdressing / TV  Cultural Change  She Males 

A New Life

In the 22nd Century a new world order with totally different social mores now exists. Joseph is one such child of this new social order. Follow him as he makes that sublime transition from him to her!
My family
Me - Jo/Joseph.
Mummy and Daddy and my Auntie Dawn
Toby - my elder brother,
Sister 1 - Brianna and her eventual husband Kenny,
Sister 2 - Hannah and her eventual husband Jack, 
Sister 3 - Gracie two years younger than me.

Serenity's family Serenity. Her Mummy and Daddy and her Auntie Joy Trish - her big sister Mike - her big brother


It was foretold in the stars as a favourite old wives axiom, but like so much, there is an element of truth behind all beliefs and myths.

I was ordained to be what I was to be.

Any uncertainty was banished by the maternal side of the family when my mother and her best friend announced on the same day that they were both pregnant. Their scans showed a girl and a boy and the final confirmation came on our conjoined birth day. Both babies were born extremely healthy, and Serenity became my official soul sister and I was named Joseph. Our destinies were preordained to be forever intertwined.

And that wasn't an old wives tales!

That was based upon the evidence of the last 150 years. We were destined to be married, married to the same man. A pattern that had been part of the new society that had been developing ever since the maniacal exploding of the ethnic bomb.

The bomb had been devised by western governments. Through thier own arrogance and stupidity of being involved in one interracial war after another, they were convinced there was a solution.

A final solution.

Some history books point to the Arab wars of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, whilst others point back to the Asian conflicts of Korea and Vietnam. In every conflict the Western powers had been proved to be inept and arrogant. Never learning the lessons of the past, in the 21st Century, they then took on the African states, in support of the European Union, afraid of the never-ending flood of African refuges crossing the Mediterranean.

To cap it off the white supremacists led by the Far Right, in all white countries, took on the increasingly powerful South American cartel, fed by drug money, who had become firmly ensconced around Brazil and its northern neighbours.

After the war that had seen Chile and Argentina ethnically cleansed of its white population there was enough fear going round to ensure support for that conflict.

The idea of an ethnically selective bomb had been around since the Arab wars, but had thought to be pure science fiction, alas it wasn't.

It wasn't so much a bomb, but an extremely fast acting and highly transmittable virus. Delivered by bomb instantaneously around the world, the lunatic inventors had predicted a 90% success rate. They convinced the ever increasingly paranoid US and European leaders that it would solve all the problems.

It wouldn't kill anybody, its aim was to physically weaken and then neuter. It's target: the non-white male population of our war ravaged planet. Unfortunately it was still in the final experimentation stage when the Chinese decided that it was good time to make their bid for world domination.

In a panic the bombs were exploded simultaneously in 350 locations around the world. It was easier than you would think. 350 commercial and military transporters were rigged to explode at high altitudes, spreading the deadly payload over much of the non-white areas of the world.

Huge clouds were created carrying the deadly virus. Oh yes it was deadly. More deadly than you could imagine. The scientists not trusting their political masters had been less than truthful. The virus had a high instant mortality rate something like 50%. Many other infected souls lasted only a few years.

Military centres were specifically targeted, instantly wiping out much of the enemies military powers. Invasions by US and European armies took care of the rest.

However it was the invasions that sealed the fate of the white population of the world. The virus transmuted. Returning soldiers all over Europe, US, Australia and Southern Africa brought it home to their women folk. It was deadly. Within 10 years the birth rate had fallen. What was worse that female births dropped to about 20% of all new borns.

By 2090 the whole demographics of the world had changed. There was a winner mind you.


Instead of trying to support a greedy and all consuming 5 billion plus souls, the population was now less than one billion. Much of it through China, Asia, Africa and South America struggled like their forefathers of 400 years previously for their very existence. With their male populations decimated by the virus and the ensuing invasions, their industrial centres pulverised and their military basically non-existent, they were no longer a threat, except to each other. Feudal and tribal ways resumed

The population of traditional white areas however was also seriously reduced.

The world was in a panic, especially the still powerful white nations. However good was still to come. The was a huge shift away from traditional power structures and within two generations a majority of business, political and scientific leaders were now women.

It was from the leadership of those powerful women that a new society eventually evolved. It had three main tenants.

         Women were much better able to lead and guide society
         in peaceful ways of coexistence than men.

The all endeavours were to be peace orientated. There was no need for armament industries or research aimed at military supremacy.

The third tenant came about because of the still great imbalance of men over women. As such it was decided that a percentage of men should be gender altered. Transexuality became an honoured norm.

Now this wasn't a shocking as it might have been seen in the 20th and very early 21st century. By about 2030 transgendered people had achieved all the rights of hetro and gay people. Thus instead of struggling outside the system, TG's had led normal productive lives as part of the main stream. TG scientists, teachers, business leaders and eventually politicians abounded. Though not successful, the running for VP on the republican ticket in the US elections of 2052 and the election of a TG prime minister in UK a few years later, (aptly named many historians thought as Margaret Thatcher), signalled the final acceptance of Transgendered people as a part of main steam society of the late 21st century.

Thus the selection of men to assume female roles began in 2070. The number of volunteers to begin with was astounding. Which many felt supported the idea that inside every good man is an even better woman dying to come out. However it was also discovered in the first few years that there were some unscrupulous men who would gender reassign in the pursuit of power, rather than the altruistic notion that society needed to be improved for the benefit of all.

The natural transition was that candidates for reassignment needed to be groomed and selected at an early age. Thus in 2080 world wide legislation was passed that only children would be considered for future reassignment.

An other major shift in people's thinking had been taking place for a number of years before that children should experience both gender roles in those formative years before puberty. Once the legislation was enacted selection of volunteers then took place at thirteen in preparation for reassignment, both medical and non-medical at age 14.

Families had been limited to two male babies, but as many females as could be conceived since the mid 21st century. Alas the third and subsequent male conceptions were terminated. The first male was the heir, now the second male if found suitable, and not all were, became eligible for reassignment at the onset of puberty.

The new female then became the highly honoured second wife. Children who were born with a connection such as Serenity and I were assigned special stature and often our male life partner was selected by our parents at an early age. From then on everything was dedicated to ensuing this process culminated in a successful partnership. The female of the marriage was dedicated to the conception and birth of as many female children before the age of 25. Alas the one thing Science had yet to remedy was the short fertility span. Another off shoot of those mad scientists and politicians many years ago. The second wife (TG) and any subsequent wife was dedicated to mothering, child rearing and keeping the husband content, both in and out of the bed.

Of course growing up we knew little of this. It was just happening around us. Our childhood was happy and peacefully exciting. Growing up exploring male and female roles was quite natural. All males until puberty followed the same socialisation process. Experiencing femaleness was deemed essential for the continued peacefulness of the society. Experiencing maleness was an education in how destructive male excesses could become unchecked.

In 2130 the birth year of Serenity and I this was now the proven accepted norm. Wars were unheard off. International petty squabbles were solved peacefully and quickly. Crime rates were incredibly low. Sex offences almost unheard of. Research was providing many positive answers to the problems of the Third World and now medical and social missionaries were venturing out into China, Africa, Asia and South America. With the help of medical science, food programmes and education, providing non-white inhabitants of this now recovering planet, with access to the same bounties that we were enjoying. In fact our husband to be, though unknownst to us, was a driving force in China and was revered as great humanitarian by the Chinese.

All I knew was that I enjoyed my male and female days from as early as I could remember. Three days each week was assigned to your primary gender, two days to the opposite. The other two were up to you. Looking back those other days were probably split fairly evenly betwixt male and female, though as I grew older I began choosing more female days than male days when school was in. This was according to my three sisters, two older and one younger, because I was an incorrigible flirt and just loved teasing the boys, any boys and some girls too.

It was probably true. I know that from as early as I could remember, whenever Kenny my eldest sister's boyfriend and eventually husband came calling I would throw myself at him and demand kisses and cuddles when ever I was having an female day. Of course one of the fun things were that whatever gender day you were having everybody treated you exactly like that. So Kenny was always willing to cuddle and tickle me and kiss me on my female days.

On male days he would play sports and games with me, as well as throw me around and tease me mercilessly, play fighting and tears were often the order of the day. I especially liked it when he was having his own female days. I loved his sweet smells and soft clothes.

Even after puberty the majority of males continued enjoying female days. My father was quite attractive for such an 'old' man. My older brother Toby was quite a sweetie when dressed up and enjoyed both girl friends and boy friends. They too were a source of fun for a little female like me.

Mike, Serenity's big brother had lots of female days too. I have to say they both seemed very popular when they did have their days and spent a lot of time together upstairs and friends use to drop in at all sorts of weird and odd hours especially at weekends and holidays. I know on school days they were never short of lifts home and it seemed to take ages before they appeared out of whoever's car it was. Usually looking like they had been in a bit of a fight. Couldn't be though, they were always grinning and sometimes. Wiping their faces and mouths.

One day I complained to Toby that as he had dropped in for an ice cream on his way home and he might at least have bought me one.

I didn't really understand his reply; something about 'wait till you're older and you can get your own supply!'

Dumb Hey? I wanted ice cream now.

Please don't be offended by the political bias. It is purely because that is where the power and the mistakes lie in this modern world today. Would have been green aliens if they were in charge!